Saturday, July 31, 2010

D2-022 Mezmo (26-Dec-1956 to 23-Feb-1957)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: As Flash, Dale and Zarkov return to the Forest Kingdom after their dramatic adventures on Mongo (read D2-021 Rob and Bey's Wonders of Mongo), a lonely man makes his way to the same destination in search for work and a complete break with a troubled past caused by his special powers.

After a chance meeting with Flash and his friends, Mezmo is soon up and running with his own business, but a string of accidental ‘miracles’ brought about by his visionary power lead to an uncontrollable stampede to the city, bringing a deadly epidemic in its wake....

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

एस्ट्रिक्स और ज्योतिषी

जहाँ तक मुझे याद है, हिंदी में कुल मिला कर मात्र ६ एस्ट्रिक्स प्रकाशित हुए थे| मेरा परिचय एस्ट्रिक्स  से हिंदी के ही माध्यम से हुआ है| सबसे पहली हिंदी एस्ट्रिक्स थी, "एस्ट्रिक्स ओलिंपिक खेलों में", जिसने मुझे इस पात्र का आजीवन दीवाना बना दिया| मुझे याद है कोई अगस्त या सितम्बर १९८२ की बात है, एक दुकान पर इंद्रजाल और कुछ अमर चित्र कथा खरीद रहा था| पास में कुछ  इंगलिश एस्ट्रिक्स भी थी, जिनकी कीमत कोई ५० रूपये और साथ में ही हिंदी ५ रूपये मात्र की| उठा कर  देखा,  कागज साधारण लेकिन कॉमिक मजेदार लगी| खरीद कर घर लाया, कितनी बार पढ़ा होऊंगा, कह नहीं सकता| फिर शुरू हो गयी हर अगले अंकों की तलाश|

अनुराग भाई के पास उपलब्ध पांच में से  तीन पहले ही पोस्ट कर चूका हूँ | आज प्रस्तुत है एक और  विरल  हिंदी  एस्ट्रिक्स:  "एस्ट्रिक्स और  ज्योतिषी"| संवादों का अनुवाद प्रसंसनीय है|
  • १९७२ - मूल प्रकाशन  फ्रांसीसी भाषा में और मूल श्रृंखला में उन्नीसवीं (अब तक केवल ३४) कॉमिक
  • १९८३ - हिन्दी एस्ट्रिक्स श्रृंखला में तीसरी कॉमिक का एकमात्र हिंदी प्रकाशन
यह कहानी है एक ऐसे प्रपंची की जो एक ज्योतिषी (भविष्यवक्ता) का ढोंग कर सीघे-साधे गालवासियों से खूब पैसा बनाता है| कुछ समय तक "बांटो और राज करो" नीति सफल होती है| लेकिन अपनी ही करणी का फल पहले से भी बुरी तरह भुगतता है, और जहाँ  एस्ट्रिक्स महाशय हों - कुछ और भी हो सकता था क्या? बोया  पेड़  बबूल  का , आम  कहाँ  से  खाय|


 उम्मीद है आप इस कॉमिक्स को पसंद करेंगे|
श्रेय: स्कैनिंग का कार्य इस अंक के संग्राहक खुद अनुराग दीक्षित द्वारा और स्वच्छिकरण मेरे  द्वारा किया गया है| 

D2-021 Robb and Bey's Wonders of Mongo (1-Oct-1956 to 24-Dec-1956)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary:Washed ashore on a desert beach on Mongo after his adventure on ‘E-Z Island’ (read D2-020 Kozy and Skurvy's Island), Flash is saved by two travelling entertainers/tricksters in possession of Dr. Zarkov’s gun, stolen from a trader in the Market of Kolugi Tribesmen.

Determined to pick up the trail of his lost friends at the notoriously lawless gathering, Flash disguises himself as a local entertainer and infiltrates the market with his new friends, only to find that Zarkov has become a warlord...

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

D2-020 Kozy and Skurvy's E-Z Island (11-Jun-1956 to 29-Sep-1956)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary: As Ming’s forces flee into neutral Mongo territory where they cannot be pursued by Prince Barin’s forces (read D2019 Kag the Conqueror), Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkov agree to act as spies and infiltrate the lawless isle of Merca in the zone to gain intelligence about Ming’s movements.

Setting off on the long journey in the guise of local fishermen, the trio is overcome by a freak storm during which Flash is swept overboard and subsequently washed ashore on a strange, drifting island...
(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Three NiceTarzan Comics

 Think, many of you missed these.



According to Emile, probably it's reprinted version of Gold Key. I have to read many issues of that period, have all scans. However  can say confidently, new colours are too good.


These are from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to him & original scanning person.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Frew 970 - Nectar of the Gods

It's scanned and edited by Micho. Howver link provided by Rocklud & in next few hours by Delboj. What a friendly attempt, thanks friends!

Friday, July 23, 2010

D2-019 Kag the Conqueror (26-Mar-1956 to 9-Jun-1956)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Remaining on Mongo in anticipation of the dark times envisaged in Worriless Willie’s disturbing visions (read D2018 Return to Mongo), Flash and his friends’ situation is further complicated when Ming II makes a daring escape from the Forest Kingdom prison.

As Ming sets off to reassemble his forces and Flash takes up hot pursuit, both men end up being drafted into a vast, advancing army belonging to the unscrupulous barbarian Kag, hell-bent on conquering the whole of Mongo at any price...
(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

D2-018 Return to Mongo (2-Jan-1956 to 24-Mar-1956)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary: Celebrating the arrival of Dr. Zarkov’s daughter Zara to Earth (Read D2017 Swamp Girl) and reminiscing about their first adventure on planet Mongo, Flash and his friends suddenly realise that the planet’s path in the solar system has once again brought it near Earth.

As the Space Kids try to persuade Flash to let them make a rare visit to the legendary planet, the wish-induced psychic powers of Worriless Willie make all arguments superfluous by teleporting everybody present to Mongo in an instant - and to a fateful meeting with two old enemies...

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

44 Flash Gordon Spanish strips

Sharing today 44 Flash Gordon Spanish strips from Emile's e-collection. Thnaks Emile and  original uploaders. It's interesting we both don't read, however these attracted us. Many strips were published in Indrajal Comics. Hoping Indrajal fans will like to see once also.

All 44 Covers

Megaupload Link (Size: 995.8 MB)

Mediafire links:

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 01

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 02

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 03

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 04

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 05

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 06

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 07

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 08

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 09

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 10

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 11

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 12

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 13

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 14

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 15

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 16

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 17

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 18

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 19

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 20

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 21

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 22

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 23

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 24

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 25

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 26

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 27

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 28

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 29

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 30

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 31

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 32

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 33

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 34

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 35

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 36

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 37

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 38

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 39

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 40

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 41

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 42

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 43

Download link: Flash Gordon (Vertice) 44

Saturday, July 10, 2010

मुर्खता दिवस ( Single Iznogoud Comics Printed in Hindi)

एक खुशखबरी  है: अपने रफ़ीक भाई - जो पिछले साल से  पतिश्री की सफल भूमिका अदा कर रहे  हैं, ७ जुलाई २०१० से  पिताश्री की  भूमिका को  भी बहादुरी के साथ निभाना शुरू कर दिया है| पुत्ररत्न का नाम वो खुद ही समय आने पे बताएँगे|
मेरी  ऊपरवाले से पार्थना है कि "छोटे रफ़ीक" खलीफा हारून की तरह  सौम्य और  सौभाग्यशाली नायक हों, जिनपे Iznogoud स्वरूप  लोगों की बुरी नियत से तनिक भी आंच ना आये|
हम सभी की तरफ से उनके सम्पूर्ण परिवार को हार्दिक बधाइयाँ! 

इस खुशी के पल में प्रस्तुत है,  अनुराग भाई के अनमोल खजाने से एक अति दुर्लभ कॉमिक: 
हिंदी में एकमात्र प्रकाशित  Iznogoud कॉमिक - मुर्खता दिवस

D2-017 The Swamp-Girl

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary:  Addressing a prestigious convention for space scientists, Dr. Zarkov narrowly escapes assassination, but a note left behind by the perpetrator saying ‘Lisa is dying, come at once’ alters the scientist’s demeanour completely.

Blasting off with his friend to the uninhabited swamp-planet Malagua the very same evening, Flash is about to learn a fascinating secret from Zarkov’s past before being thrust into a dangerous game of betrayal and revenge - and a desperate battle for survival...
(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

D2-016 Space Circus (5-Sep-1955 to 29-Oct-1955)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Driving along a dark and desert highway, Flash is suddenly abducted by an alien race and transported to the planet Mesmo, where he is sold at an action and is made to perform near-impossible aerial stunts for a travelling circus.

Unable to communicate with their telepathic captors, Flash and his-fellow captives seize their chance to escape when the circus train is derailed during a freak accident, but can they survive the ensuing manhunt?...
(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

This link is provided by Alberto Toribio. A version was sent by Emile also, that was deleted by my mistake. Very thankful to both friends & original scanning person.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

D2-015 Starling (11-Jul-1955 to 3-Sep-1955)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Flash turns space tour operator as the world’s largest rocket manufacturer B.B. Remsen persuades him to test the magnate’s reckless and arrogant wildcat grand-daughter and future heir in a gruelling space environment.

Reluctantly agreeing to this arduous task in return for a hefty donation to one of Dr. Zarkov's space projects, Flash sets off into space with his incorrigible passenger, unawares that his troubles have only just begun...
(Source of summary:

B&W English version: Collect it and many more D2 - Here

Colour French Version:             Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Both are from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Phantom - Generations

The Phantom - Generations (1,2,3)

Update: Ashok Singh has sent part 3. All credits to orginal uploaders and him. 

Other parts (4 to 13) are not available with me.

D2-014 Tympani (27-Apr-1955 to 9-Jul-1955)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary: After safely returning to Earth in the Space Kids’ rocket (read D2-013 The Trail of the Vulke), Flash and Dale decide to wind down, but their respite is short as unearthly sound waves at supersonic pitches start to devastate buildings and equipment.

Determined to follow the trail into space after turning deaf during a freak accident in Dr. Zarkov's lab, Flash blasts off in a soundproof ship and lets himself be guided by sound waves to a mysterious planetoid...

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.