Friday, April 23, 2021

The Phantom (99 only: #1701 to 1800 except 1755)

Update 1 May, 2021: 1755 had own cover, but 1756 story inside, so removed. Consider 1755 as missing for now. 

#1701: This replica collects #196, #195 and #194 from 1961.

"War in the Jungle" part 2 by Lee Falk and Ray Moore

"The Iron Dragon" by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy

"Queen Asta of Trondelay" by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Charlie Chaplin Annual 1974


Publisher: Brown Watson Ltd; hardcover edition (January 1, 1974)

Language: English

Hardcover: 72 pages

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Phantom (18 only: 1877 to 1894)


Phantom stories

"The Adventures of Lucy Cary" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry

"The Outlaws" by Pidde Andersson and Rafael Dantas