
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tarzan the Sunday Strips by Russ Manning

Due to some personal respectable reasons first me, now Iunknown is forced to delay posting.

Now, I'm back after a short break. Today, thanks to Sumit Datta, sharing 19 Sunday Strips by Russ Manning.

I  already uploaded  files received from Sumit, only after that checked pages. So, some last missing pages, I'm giving  as separate links as part 2.

These I never saw posted before with download links at any site. Hoping this time those will also enjoy, who only after posting informs where these are posted as ANON (not with his nick or real name), but never bother to share, although they know our interest in some series since a long. Atleast this time those might be happy also. :)))

1.Tarzan Returns to the Land of the Ant Men (Jan 14, 1968 - June 16, 1968)

2.Tarzan and the Return of Dagga Ramba (June 23, 1968 - Dec. 1, 1968)

3.Tarzan and Tembo-Haven/Korak and the Elephant Girls (Dec. 8, 1968 - May 11, 1969)

4.Tarzan and the Safari to Opar (May 18, 1969 - Nov. 30, 1969) 

5.How Tarzan Met Jane (Dec. 7, 1969 - Feb. 15, 1970 )

6.KORAK AND THE RIVER OF TIME (Feb. 15, 1970 - May 31, 1970)

7.TARZAN AND THE SLAVERS (June 7 - Nov 8, 1970)

8.How Paul D'Arnot Met Tarzan (Nov. 15, 1970 - Jan. 17,)

9.Jad-Bal-Ja and the Apes (Jan. 24, 1971 - Feb. 14, 1971)

10.Tarzan® Returns to Pal-ul-don I (Feb 21, 1971 - April 2, 1972) Part I: Feb 1971 - Oct 1971

11.Tarzan® Returns to Pal-ul-don II (Feb 21, 1971 - April 2,1972) Part II: Nov 1971 - April 1972

12.Korak and the City of Xuja (Apr. 09, 1972 - Sept. 17, 1972)

12.Korak and the City of Xuja part 2

13.TARZAN'S PAL-UL-DON ADVENTURE CONTINUES ( Sep 24, 1972 - Oct 21, 1973)PART I: Sep 1972 - Dec 1972

14.TARZAN'S PAL-UL-DON ADVENTURE CONTINUES (Sep 24, 1972 - Oct 21, 1973)PART II: JAN 1973- MAY 1973

15.TARZAN'S PAL-UL-DON ADVENTURE CONTINUES (Sep 24, 1972 - Oct 21, 1973)PART III: JUNE 1973 - OCT 1973

16.Korak and the Igotha (Oct. 28, 1973 - Mar. 17, 1974)

16.Korak and the Igotha  Part2
17.Return to Castra Sanguinarius (March 24 - Nov 3, 1974)

18.Valley Of Mist (Nov. 10, 1974 - Feb. 9, 1975)


19. Elephant's Graveyard part 2

P.S.: Two more strips posts are coming very soon. 


  1. Finally I am the first to post! This is a great post! Thanks to all!

  2. The strips are amazing1 Wonderful stories. I never knew these existed! The old stories as usual are the best as shown above.

  3. How tarzan met Jane has broken archives. Can you repost?

  4. The l ink to elephant graveyard 1 is dead. Can you repost?

  5. Thank you for posting these . I was downloading these strip by strip from, but this is easier to download as cbr files.

  6. Brilliant Post dude!! :) I've just downloaded 5-6 strips and yet to complete(reading) a strip BUT from the art and inking(and also plots from a quickview!),it's looking very nice series,never seen before!!Brillant illustration with matching coloring and all from those '60s & '70s!! :))

    PS - DC's Comic World magazine used to publish a lot of TARZAN,suppsed to be sundays,bit cropped & edited,still with decent art & ok stories!! BUT this series seems far better that those...

  7. @Krishna ji: I saw these only some weeks ago at, but didn't has time to download. Thanks to Sumit we can read easier way.
    Replaced required links.

  8. @Colonel Worobu: When I received these files, that very day noted that in Sumit's links there were more panels. Yesterday decided to recheck, found some more, so decided to share as part 2.
    Good news for you and all. Just 1 hours ago Emile has sent rest all John Celardo daily strips (reprints 2006-2010) with some extra material prepared by himself.
    So we'll have 3 strips posts in very near future.

  9. @MaNdrAke dudE: More strips I read, more liking strips than comics as getting a chance read a story completely. Just 3 years ago I was avoiding reading strips, now understand what I had missed so long. :))

    I also still not read (sharing first) any of these, but find very very attractive. Having an impression, Russ Manning is best for Tarzan.

    In fact I read around 25-30 Tarzan physical copies in early age only, mostly were Kiran Comics. Even I was not aware about Aporson son series until 2008.

    Hoping with support of friends, we'll be able to collect almost all Tarzan at this blog very soon.

  10. Many thanks to Sumit & Emile. I am glad to hear that the rest of the Tarzan daily strips will be posted here soon.

  11. Another TARZAN bundle, going to enjoy them. Somehow I feel these Russ Manning episodes are pretty different from the usual Tarzan scripts, as if that Tarzan has been forcefully introduced to the world in terms with Flash Gordon episodes. The setting, the environment, the creatures, the alien life forms, all only foretells that wonder world.

    May be Manning wanted to define the character of Tarzan, from the old african jungle warrior image :). It's a quite a different read for sure.

    Thanks much to Sumit, Emile, and Prabhat for organising these Tarzan goldies. Looking forward for the next bonanza.

  12. if that Tarzan has been forcefully introduced to the world in terms with Flash Gordon episodes. The setting, the environment, the creatures, the alien life forms, all only foretells that wonder world.

    ditto here wid Rafiq!!these TARZAN strips are completely different and with da best illustrations I ever seen in any Tarzan adventures!!Needless to mention,I loved these alien backdrop with beautiful vintage art...:)

  13. @Rafiq Raja: I had also image of Tarzan like you as we read Indian prints without the alien life forms.
    However, the real culprit is the father of Tarzan - Edgar Rice Burroughs - himself.
    Check this link:
    In his 8th novel:Tarzan the Terrible (1921) he introduced Pal-ul-don, which means "Land of Men" , even much earlier than Flash Gordon (1934) was born.

    It's a fact Russ Manning's works are best, these Sunday's are zenith.

  14. @MaNdrAke dudE: As you & Rafiq are experts,I had to read these myself before giving my opinion.
    Agree with you about artwork & illustrations. If such works were printed in India, may be many loved Tarzan as the Phantom & Mandrake. Honestly, I find these strips even better than the best strips of the Phantom & Mandrake, although still love them more.

  15. @PBC:I have already read a few strips and loved those...reading scans,except MTM,is something I rarely do nowadays,so you can understand the impact of these Superb art-n-stories.....due to these I again get back my interest in Tarzan,since my childhood! :)

    If such works were printed in India, may be many loved Tarzan as the Phantom & Mandrake.
    Atleast I don't have any doubt and wonder WHY not a single Indian publisher ever tried these Manning strips??In fact,THESE STRIPS have all qualities to get published in Indrajal Comics.

    PS - I have done a Wiki search for Manning and it reveals that he did both Dailies & Sundays....Dailies from Dec'1967-July'1972(last Tarzan Daily) and Sundays from 1968-1979.....we already have ALL Dailies and Sundays till 1972...hopefully oneday,we'll get the rest :))

  16. @MaNdrAke dudE: Initially I decided to post Tarzan as I read in childhood, liked it & felt worth to share than many others. But I was not a big fan that time. Going to read rest 500+ comics which I downloaded some years ago, but only 20-30 read till today. :)

    In this journey, we got these strips thanks to Sumit. I'm sure he & other fans will help to share all rest strips, as the tribe is increasing. :)

  17. @PBC:Does Mediafire stopped providing d/l links to FREE Users??since last 2-3 days,whenever I'm trying to d/l, either files cudn't saved in my pc(midway stopped)or MF asking me to upgrade my a/c!!:(

    any otherway to d/l you know??

    PS - MF even asking to "save" the links in my file...but even after that,I cudn't d/l those!!:((

  18. @MaNdrAke dudE: No. Most probably They were changing program. Since last some days, I'm facing problems also. Mostly files which you see posted were uploaded in Jan-Feb only.

    In addition to problems faced by you, noted that upload and download speed had fallen sharply. But tonight upload speed was OK.

    I tried ccleaner and clearing cookies & offline data time to time. In most of cases helped. Try, if not helping, wait some days. I think, mediafire servers are divided in zones. Today evening, here it's working fine. Hoping, in near future we'll be happier.

  19. @MaNdrAke dudE: In morning again tried through IE, firefox and flock, again problem. But through opera opened easily same time. Try.

  20. yes,it's still a problem...eventhough d/l had started today BUT for a 12 MB file,I got some broken file(of 60-100 KB only)and that too after 4-5 trials....may be we've wait for few days...

  21. I am very grateful!!! I have a lot of Russ Manning Tarzan scans--all of his dailies, and most of the 19 Sundays you offer--but your collection is far more organized and complete. This has let me reorganize and fill in gaps in my Sundays...I really am so happy and so thankful!!! You do a good thing here. I hope it brings you the sense of fulfillment that you deserve!!!

    A minor query: Somehow, I downloaded two Sunday stories from you, that I no longer see listed. This happened almost immediately after I downloaded them--they are "The International Athletic Competition" and "the jewel of pellucidar". Both are illustrated in a style quite unlike the Manning of the earlier stories--it makes me think that his assistants were playing a larger role in creating these. Would you please comment?

    Again, my profound thanks!!!


    P.S. BTW I am an author--check Amazon for some of my books such as, "Science of the X-Men"

  22. I'm beginner in the field of the Tarzan strips. But really lucky, having several friends and nice visitors. Whenever I think only, they ready to help. For these 19 we are thankful to Sumit who collected, and offered himself, I only rechecked and added some as part 2.

    Many more are comings thanks to Emile. As I post last one, I'll inform. Pls later check and help what we missed. At least inform privately via e-mail where I (we) can collect.

    The strips you are searching are here:

    Actually these I found in torrents last year, and only just now started digging about info, so shared with the same numbers & info provided in torrent.
    Agree with you about quality. These 19 Sundays and earlier shared are different.

    Glad to know about you, now can try to guess who is among 3 only. ))

    With some more authors I'm in touch. One of them is William B. Jones Jr.; Author; Classics Illustrated: A Cultural History; (McFarland & Co., Publishers). Hoping you know him.

  23. These would be great if they were readable, but the scans are not high enough resolution. Very hard on the eyes, and they just pixelate if you zoom in. Keep in mind that a higher resolution JPEG saved at lower quality (e.g. 4 instead of 8) is better than a lower res JPEG saved at higher quality. Follow..?

  24. Oops, i see those are links to higher res downloads. Please forgive my drunken previous comment. Feel free to remove it (and this one too) thanks!

  25. @MaNdrAke dudE: As you & Rafiq are experts,I had to read these myself before giving my opinion.
    Agree with you about artwork & illustrations. If such works were printed in India, may be many loved Tarzan as the Phantom & Mandrake. Honestly, I find these strips even better than the best strips of the Phantom & Mandrake, although still love them more.

  26. @PBC:Does Mediafire stopped providing d/l links to FREE Users??since last 2-3 days,whenever I'm trying to d/l, either files cudn't saved in my pc(midway stopped)or MF asking me to upgrade my a/c!!:(

    any otherway to d/l you know??

    PS - MF even asking to "save" the links in my file...but even after that,I cudn't d/l those!!:((

  27. link dead

    19. Elephant's Graveyard part 2

  28. Thank you amazing blog, do you have twitter, facebook or something similar where i can follow your blog

    Sandro Heckler

  29. Thanks a lot for the super uploads. BTW, does anyone have newspaper strips of James Bond comics? Especially the bengali ones?


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  40. Hi Prabhat,
    (Tarzan the Sunday Strips by Russ Manning)
    All Invalid or Deleted Files.
    Mind reuploading those gems ?
