
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Devils and Wonder Glasses 3D + Gold Key Flash Gordon #25

Today with this post Books and Comics reaches another milestone of 300 posts.
I am posting very special comic for the occassion, First 3D comics published in India.
It was published my Star Comics in 1980s. It started a new trend of 3D comics, but it did not last long. Mainly I feel due to bad stories, cost and also due to fake 3D comics in market.

With each comics was provided on pair of 3D glasses red color on left eye and cyan color on right. It was based on 3D anaglyph images technology. Wikipedia has an excellent article on this subject.
Unfortunately you do need a pair of 3D glasses. This articles has description of glasses It is pretty easy to make them. All you need is thin cardboard and transparent film of red and cyan color. These glasses are also available on ebay for about Rs.50. Search for Anaglyph or 3d glasses. I have many other 3D comics in my collection,if your response is favourable I'll post them all.

Most of you probably don't have 3D glasses, until you get them enjoy this long awaited Flash Gordon comics from Gold Key.


  1. wow awesome... please post more :)

  2. You had bring back my childhood. I had this 3-D comics in Hindi. Soon will buy a 3-D glasses as I know some more will come.

    Flash is not less important for me, as I never saw #25 GOLD KEY posted by anyone earlier. Always consider #25 was printed by Whitman. As you told about it, I was very surprised.

    Thanks you very much and all visitors also! The number of posts or visitors were never targeted by us. But it's pleasant, must confess. Thanks Guys! You helped us to understand we are going in right direction.

  3. Thank you! I already have the #25 issue from Whitman, same story, cover,ads etc, but never heard that it was released as a Gold Key issue simultaneously (september 79), by the same publisher (Western).

    Thanks to IUnknown for scanning this issue! Good work!

  4. And congrats to PBC on the 300th post! Thank you!

  5. @Colonel Worobu: Thanks, it's all contributors, authors & visitors achievement.

    Extremely sorry for such confusion. Actually IUnknown asked to check & sent me cover also. How I didn't see similarity, still wondering.

    Just checked bot versions (earlier:

    Bar codes are same, have a look at both ICON, think Whitman was a photoshop work, it was printed by Gold Key. Till now I was thinking that Whitman had printed #25.

  6. Appears that both issues are legit. Western Publishing printed comics simultaneously using both whitman and gold key logos for the same issues. The Gold Key logo was used for newsstand distribution and the Whitman logo for retail shops. Whitman comics don't have the eight digit number below the logo, otherwise they are identical. Whitman editions were typically distributed in bagged lots of three comics, called three-packs.

    Info got from this site:

  7. And as far as I know only Gold Key comics were sold in India. I had personally bought some of the Gold Key Flash Gordon comics and other Gold Key comics in book stores in India in the 70s but never had seen Whitman being sold anywhere.

  8. Hoo boy!!! what have I unleashed? You guys sound like encyclopedia of comics :). Thanks everyone for enthusiastic reply.

  9. @Colonel Worobu: Wow, you was very lucky! I saw these as old books or scans only.

    Thanks for clarification. However still think that Whitman cover is not original.
    Just compare several Gold Key & Whitman in this post:
    and again
    have a look at #25 Whitman cover:

    Near series symbol (left side of cover) is too uniform, but just after it not.

  10. Thank you so much IUnknown and Prabhat once again, and best wishes to PBC for more good times..


  11. This is a real surprize..It reminds me of my childhood. Actually I had this comics in Bengali. It was presented to me by my uncle along with the 3D glass..Red on the left and blue on the right..Thanks for this great post..


  12. Oh... seems I missed out on a 3D Comic bonanza. Going to make my own glasses and read this stuff, and will come back to comment.

    Thanks iUnknown, for another treasure :)

  13. Hi guys,

    Well back after a long spell....changed my job and have been busy ...did not get the chance to write a decent email even.

    THANKS to Prabhat & iUnknown for the comic and to Col. Worobu for the info.

    I had a 3-D comic but it was I think Sheena - Jungle ki Rani but I am not sure.....

    Have a good weekend.

  14. @Old Man Mozz: You're welcome. It was Karishma- Jungle ki Rani. It is in the line up, but will take some time, as I am busy due to some family emergencies.

  15. @Old Man Mozz: We are always here. Glad to see you are able to find some time in this reorganizing period. You comment or not we know that you are always with us. Pls once a confirm your e-mail id. Can share with you some scans in advance or those which I don't post and you like.

  16. Thanks a lot mate. I had this comic a way back with Jungle Ki rani and at that time they were not in color. They were somewhat brownish in color. Had lost them a long back too. Thanks for bringing the old memories back to me. I think I'm going to like this site too. There's a good pile up here. Thanks to this site too.

  17. I have some of them, I am able to send a copy of Chimpu Piklu and Bholu Golu, 3D comic, published by Diamond Comics.

  18. Hi Naveen, do you still have the 3D comic (Chimpu Piklu)? I want it :)
