
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flash Gordon Daily Strips by Austin Briggs (All D1 - #1 to #11)

Here WE send you Rainbow message…
Dipped Colors of Joy and Happiness,
Those will make your Life even more Colourful..

Happy Holi!

There were 11 Flash Gordon Daily strips (1940-1944) by Austin Briggs.
#Title1st Run Period
D1-001Princess Lita(5/27/40 to 2/22/41)
D1-002Freeland(2/24/41 to 8/21/41)
D1-003War on Earth(8/22/41 to 12/13/41)
D1-004Disaster in Space(12/15/41 to 1/17/42)
D1-005Shipwrecked(1/19/42 to 4/25/42)
D1-006Radium Mines of Electra(4/27/42 to 7/11/42)
D1-007Queen Tigra of Forestia(7/13/42 to 11/26/42)
D1-008Royal Hunt(11/27/42 to 4/21/43)
D1-009Isle of the Elvins(4/22/43 to 3/25/44)
D1-010The Menace of Mysta(3/27/44 to 4/25/44)
D1-011Home(4/26/44 to 6/3/44)

Read Offline
All credits to original uploaders.


  1. Happy Holi to you also.I used to come to this blog to view my Childhood comics.It also refreshes my Childhood memories.Greeeeeeat........

  2. Dunno what happened to the comment i posted. Tks to all for great comic strips!

  3. Thanks for some great ecollections, of Flash Gordon. Going to read some of them through this week, it's a chance to relive those magical word in such early times.

    By the way, wish one and all, a Happy Holi.

  4. Happy holi to you & your family.

    May this festivel bring all the more colours to your life & blog.

    Thanks for the Post.

  5. @Jaspal Singh: With these my childhood memories are also attached. Thanks to net, I was able to read and share many comics by same heroes which I never read earlier. Keep visiting, now Iunknown is adding new colours in blog, I'll try my best in my traditional direction also.

  6. @Krishna ji: Now a days some problem with gmail, blogger and mediafire. I think all are changing programs, soon situation should be better. Now I just copy comments, only after that click at "post comment". :)

  7. @ Rafig Raja: Some more Goversons comics & 1 VMC Tarzan are coming, today had a chat with Anurag. As well as 3 Madhu Mushan Comics ( Not Madhu Mushkan) will share very soon. Some more Frew by Delboj which I received in Nov last year and some new scans are also in pipeline. Same with some old Aznaabi's scans & some more. So this month may be hot.

  8. @Vedha: Welcome! Thanks for nice wishes, it's really required and sure will come true. :)

  9. TTHANKS PRABHAT, been a lot of updates in the last month.....

  10. Thanks for these nice (and rare) comic strips Prabhat !!

  11. @Old Man Mozz: I was also busy, replying you late. Thanks for your visit.

  12. @ Sridhar: You are welcome! pls visit, many more Flash Gordon strips are coming soon.

  13. Hello! Is there any possibility of reposting? All the links are dead. Thanks!

  14. hi - please reupload these great flash gordon daily strips
    - would love to read them, but all links are dead

  15. Hallo Folks!

    All the links related to the Flash Gordon strips by Austin Briggs are broken.Could you please, replace them?

    All my best,

  16. Links are up again. Enjoy! As well as D-2 is re-posted here:

  17. Dear PBC,
    My anti-virus software does not allow me to open the site, says it's unsafe!!

  18. A BIG thank you for this stuff!!! I've noticed that file 2 ("Freeland") have a missing page. Could it be repaired in the future? Thanks again!!
