
Monday, June 07, 2010

The Phantom Captain Action - Both Parts

First time two HEROES "The Phantom" & "Captain Action" are presented together in a two part story.

When an international intelligence cartel makes a surgical strike for global control, UN committee member Diana Palmer-Walker and her legendary husband are all that stands in their way, but when the Ghost Who Walks goes missing, the only one Diana can turn to is none other than - Captain Action! 

Writer: Mike Bullock
Artist: Reno Maniquis

Read Offine

All thanks & credits to original uploaders.


  1. Hello Prabhat, thanks for this comic.Missed a lot during
    the intervening months. Blogspot has been banned in Kazakhstan.
    Hitting your this and other sites through proxy.

  2. @Jai: Glad to see you after long time. I was also busy with some personal reasons. Soon going to share many Flash Gordon strips by Dan Barry, those are not easily available at net. Hoping you like Flash Gordon.

    Really, it's a problem as many comics blogs are using blogger.

    Subscribe via e-mail, you'll get with links in your e-mail account. Comments were never important for me. Time to time I just check how many times downloaded to know interest of visitors (friends) :)

  3. Thanks for a brand new Phantom comic from Moonstone, Prabhat Bhai. Two heroes of America's joining hands together, hope it lives up to some expectations.

    I believe Moonstone overused Phantom in modern day stories, and went out from Falk's legacy. Good to see they finally completing their run, handing it over to a revamped Dynamite Group. Hope to see the Alex Ross's version of Phantom soon.

  4. Thanks for an interesting comic...Phantom has some competition over Diana. It would have been interesting to have this concept when they were unmarried.

  5. Looks interesting Prabhat, I never heard of captain Action though.
    Thanks a lot.
