
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

D2-006 - "Mr. Murlin” (31-Dec-1952 to 20-Apr-1953)

Are strips good? A real fan can understand only. The strips available at this blog one can check Here.

  Some friends are doing good job with Mandrake strips, so my choice goes to another popular Indrajal comics hero: Flash Gordon. The Daily strips by artist Dan Barry are real gems, worth to read.

I can post all available with me in one day, however feel it'll not fair as many may download and never read. So let enjoy together!

Story: Harvey Kurtzman
Summary: Moving on from the Awful Forest (see D2005 Awful Forest), Flash's party eventually comes across an English-looking cottage from the 14th century and is soon introduced to the mysterious Mr Murlin and his young daughter Marilyn.

An already intriguing mystery deepens further when it becomes clear that Mr Murlin is a time-traveller who can see into the future, but who is reluctant to return to Earth as he has witnessed his own murder in the revealing ‘Orb’...

(source of info:

This strip in uploaded in two parts by Emile.

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.


  1. Another emile special. Thanks you two :)

  2. Thanks for starting this series of Flash comics.
    I always enjoyed these sci-fi comics a lot.
    Many thanks to Emile too.
    Can you please check the link to part 1.
    Thanks once again.

  3. @Jai: Welcome Jai! Link is looking fine. Pls try again or let me know the problem faced by you. It'll be solved.

  4. Thanks Prabhat. Just d/l the file.
    It is just great.
