
Monday, April 06, 2009

Some points to think & know

Friends, please read all these carefully & think.

Many friends are keeping eyes on last incident. Some say he is getting fame, but its fame or defame, it’s an individual opinion. If I do not like say on face, don't stab knife at back.

Hope some more friends are noted this interesting incident too. Who missed, this part is for them:

Yesterday (5th April) around 3 to 4 PM (IST) some ANON visitor had responded to Ravi Gokhale at P.M.’s blog that the ORIGINAL name of the blogger is “MANISH SRIVASTAV”. Around 8 PM It was deleted and comment option was disabled. Since 1 April all were requesting, some even abused, he didn't replied. Something strange, isn’t it? No other comments were deleted, Why? Why the name MANISH SRIVASTAV is dearer than family members? Is it the real name of this person?

As he said write in our blogs, so a massage for him, “PM aka MANISH SRIVASTAV or not matter who are you, as longer you are here, helping us coming closer to you. Pray with God that day never come. Recommend you to start changing computer every 3-4 days. We’ll also see how technically & financially you are strong. It’s my promise, if I dig out, the very next day your full Bio-data with photo will be posted. I’m living aboard, but more closer than you think. You are alone, may be some more are backing you, but we are thousands. We’ll give you such FAME, you will curse day you born.

I see many friends confused due to last incidents. Making clear our future plans & we are coming back slowly at our normal time-table:

1. About B&C blog: This blog will post all IJC openly, as much protected as can, but due to 1 person majority will not suffer.

All friends who can support technically to discourage such guys are most welcome. My e-mail is in my profile. Together we can solve. I’m personally not scanning, but it’s my duty to defend interest of every member of my team, visitors & community, I love.

2. About History & Mythology blog: This project is not a comic’s project for me. I love this series & very thankful to the publisher. I know at least 15 persons who are interested to buy all available printed copies now, but they are selling digital copies too. Sometimes ago, some friends hinted about copyrights. In long run the publisher will win. Since a long time I was thinking about it, many were aware about our plans.

Earlier we were thinking, out of prints ACK have expired copyrights. I found that in 2007 ACK Media had bought all rights, so all are falling in this category. Initially many were hesitated to post publicly, on my words agreed to scans & provide links. Some had shipped ACK overseas only for this project. Half of my team members are living in India. As we are going to post A to Z ACKs, per day number of ACKs are increasing, sooner or later the publisher can object. If we ask someone to not do, so we should give example too, as question about us was coined.

We collectively decided to remove all our (team) scans (links). Some places where my rights is removed & some scans are reloaded, my humble request, please remove & not reload. I blocked all my direct links which were posted by me. Hoping there is no P. M. in our community & will honor our demand. Sorry friends, we can’t violate openly and allow to copy.

History & Mythology blog will post publicly informatics material of all ACK only. No Links.

I’m busy due to some personal works. Please don’t mind whom I didn’t replied last days.

You’ll have all Indrajal Comics & many more. I don’t drop projects in midway. Please wait few days.


  1. I wanted to post this on Piyush's blog, but since he has disabled comments, posting there. Coincidentally Prabhat has re-opened the topic here too.

    I am firmly on the side of Piyush Mishra. [Yes, I am from Bombay, but no, I don't know Piyush] I think all these bloggers who scan and post are wrong in complaining. They are not posting for glory, fame or money. Just for fun, old memories and to make it available to all. It is by definition an act of charity of some sort. There will always be people who repost and like in the P2P world of movies and music, a file someone has created WILL spread all round the world. If you want some kind of glory or back-patting for this, you are in the wrong place. Only the original writers and artists can expect glory from their creations!

    I seriously think you people should get over yourselves. Today it is Piyush; tomorrow someone else will do something else. They have the right; happens every where and it is nothing wrong. If people like what they are doing, they will go there; otherwise they will come to your blogs. If you can't deal with it, just wind up your websites. If you want to do, is to share comics with everyone, then do so, without any expectations... be big hearted about it. If you are so insecure that you crave appreciation for posting comics, and will hold your breath until someone indulges you, it is best you don't post at all. I for one don't want to read anything from your blogs at such a price. I am very appreciative of the comics you guys have provided me the last few weeks since I found your blog. But, then I am also appreciative of every piece of free software and every movie and song I ever downloaded, and all these guys arent posturing for applause. I think all of you should mature. I thank all of you for your hard work- but I also cannot kow-tow to you.

    This is a very "Indian" flavored flame war and I think it is a vestige of the British Raj that left all of us without much. We cling to whatever little we have. You can't be possessive about what is essentially a free dissemination medium. You have to be big about it. Let go.

    Or do something collective and constructive- why don't all of you that are collaborating, CROSS-POST to all your other blogs, simultaneously... so that everyone's work is available with all collaborators? All major mainstream bloggers who collaborate do that. Then you don;t need Mishra's blog at all, and you can all be happy too.

  2. i think i know the guy named manish shrivastVA

    about the people why cry about comic piracy, i want to ask them.. is your operating system original?
    every body uses pirated softwares, what about that?

    about the phantom serial u provided, the original DVD is available at amazon for sell , go everybody and buy it,

    the ACKs u r providing are copyrighted and still in use, why u r posting them?

    the esnip folder u made a year ago was scans of our blogs only. did u ask us before uploading them? atleast not me.. didnt u think that time that it may affeect the trafic of our blogs?


    i'm not against anybody, blogging means sharing, wht u did few years back, he did the same thing., why fuss now,


    i am from mumbai, he is also from mumbai(he says so, if he is manish, then he is not from mumbai, that much i can assure u..

    and i do not need any loan ))

    just my thoughts on the "burning" matter, blogger's union may not like it( i am one of them )-oo)))

    but can't help

  3. btw, the first comment was from TCP, i guess!!

  4. just a thought -) do not take it otherwise

    how many times u have used "I" ??

    infact, please go thru all ur previous posts, and count-))

    atleast 17 times in this post-

  5. @Dinesh - I guess I am the first to respond to you- so here goes!

    You are so wrong on so many fronts. As a native Bombayite- I can tell you that though we are famous for immediately espousing every act we don't like or understand, to the leftover vestiges of the Brits, time and experience has taught us that simply is not so!

    If you had read ALL the previous posts by this Blog 's owner/author, you would have realized that he addressed in excruciating detail all your counter-inflamatory points though in a variety of places.

    The issue is NOT of the 'other' blog being present or its 'lifting' of material, but of RESPECT. Prabhat even said so (literally- and I'll paraphrase-) that he would have welcomed any other blogger who wishes to create posts to materials as there is a lot of work to be done, and scans to be uploaded. A Simple Respectful request would have sufficed. This is common decency and courtesy and maybe entirely absent in our 'new' society and generation. In fact, look at how it has moved so many downloaders to respond, yours truly included, as well as you. This many people on one side of an issue cannot but have us think that at least that there was some REAL issue!

    Look- everything you are saying, is at the individual level. Your browser's cache holds the page information anyway, and then you can at a later date/time INDIVIDUALLY just click on the Mediafire link without actually clicking from the webpage and hence contributing to the stats! Or you could just copy the link, close your browser window and then download using a new window. But again this is at the individual level. Also, this is NOT P2P (If it was- you and the blog owner would know who I was and where I was on the Network! and we would have no need to have this discussion on the identity ofthe 'other' blog-copier!)

    Now DISTRIBUTION is quite another thing. The real issue is that though the 'other' blogger gave(gives) by-line credit, his page gives the appearance of being his own blog, whereas it is simply copy-n-paste including pics with NO ADDITIONAL VALUE-ADDED! Where is the originality of the owner? Even Prabhat has a folder with some PDF/some JPGs on eSomething... where there are scans from others- But no one can accuse him of just copying. Singlehandedly he (and his contributors) have not only contributed to, but completely changed the face and concept of Indrajal Comic Downloads- from high resolution, to availability, to timeliness, to structure- and not to mention- just an incredible amount of work in the historical ACK area (where for the first time in my life I was humbled by how little I knew, historically and mythologically speaking!) In fact if it were not for his archived folders, some of those earlier scans would be lost forever!

    Unfortunately the insidiousness of the educated mind coupled with a lack of due-diligence and perseverance (you really didn't bother to read all the posts, comments did you?) has created our society of today (Talk first and think later -or maybe never!) Seriously, just look at the left column of this blog page- It will give you a list of other blogs (included at the owner/author's discretion) and the time of last update- I don't know how much more you can CROSS-POST! This automated functionality was a major driver in Google acquiring blogger/ in the first place!!

    I guess I too am guilty of the offhanded non-constructive comments- as I originally just came here to address quite another issue. That will have to be dealt with discretely elsewhere!

    Well- C'est LaVie - This was just the culmination of my two-cents and REALLY- a response is not required nor expected nor will it move me to continue the silly tirade!

    NY, USA

  6. I had not actually read Prabhat's post when I tacked my comment to it. In response to that, and to ICC's post:

    P2P, sharing movies, music, books, free software, hacked Microsoft software etc, are all part of anti-establishmentarian movement. Excepting for such "soft" property- which they object to on the basis of objecting to protectionist copyright laws- most folks of this P2P world are law-abiding citizens in daily life. Being against draconian copyright laws is not equal to being unwilling to pay fair price. The same P2P people, including me, pay fair price for food and shelter daily- which are "hard" and tangibles. So, no, you don't have "pirate's rights" simply because you spent hours scanning some one else's intellectual property. (the original authors shouldn't have that much right to it, in the first place). You can expect people to be thankful to you, but not beyond a point. Have you ever seen aXXo group on bittorrent who crack every DVD around, beg for thanks and get mad when someone links to them? This manufactured "anger" is laughable. If I were you, I would simply post, and have fun with whoever is willing to interact with me, and leave it at that.

    And yes, I have a law degree.

    Simply because Indrajal is not in print, you can't presume they lost the copyright or don't have a monetary potential out of it. They were only licensors. King Features Syndicate of US, still own the whole brand, run the strip worldwide and their lawyers will not tolerate any kind of scans. You don't have a right for transference of medium (i.e. to make scans), even for a few dozen people, even for non-commercial personal enjoyment purposes. Unless you have a signed waiver from King that you are allowed to do this. ACK media have invested heavily, and are even more aggressive about this.

    Seeing Prabhat's last post and ICC's multiple posts, I have half a mind to contact their respective lawyers and get all of you, including Piyush @ Manish to stop.

  7. Not to mention google's own lawyers.

  8. Cross-posting is posting DIRECTLY into a blog. Not having an "update" side-roll. I.e. each of you is an author on each other's blog.

    I used P2P as an example. And no, you don't always know who I am, even on P2P. Please don't get techie with me. I am too long in the tooth for that.

    I am not even going to bother with the rest of Maddy's maddening rant.

  9. Seeing Prabhat's last post and ICC's multiple posts, I have half a mind to contact their respective lawyers and get all of you, including Piyush @ Manish to stop.

    will you please explain this?

    what did you find wrong in my post?

    right from the begining i have taken the side of peeyoush, as i did not find anything wrong in his posts

  10. ICC: I said earlier, my English is not strong. Pls bear with me. :)

    I think you are guessing about P.M. or know who is really behind it. If you know pls open, all will be thankful.

    Yes my system is original. But I’m also using many pirated software.

    We are not crying about comics’ piracy. Every community has some ethics. I wrote to all of you before posting, some replied some not. If you are saying about esnips, once again I say I wrote to you too. If you tried to avoid as this time what I can say. And if you are firm on your stand as you are saying, I didn’t write. Did you ever tell me about that? Once tried to say, if I had not followed you demand then said. You pretended, it’s OK, even said like my posts. You gave wrong signals. I was regular & thankful visitor of your blog. You took 18 months to visit here, I was regular active visitor, at least once tried to say, it’s paining you.

    You may be remembering, last year there was a new IJC torrent at net, I had all of these from Jan 2008 first week. But I said publicly only after Groughy’s post at this platform. I was updating esnips after sometime & none of you had objected. Did you object? I started posting only after you stopped posting & majority was not posting too. Not as I wished, as contributors wished & only with their permission. I had many scans without a note it would be posted by particular blogger. You were posting there was a continues flow, but mostly of you quit, even you didn’t responded to my letter. How can I expected to guess what is in your mind.

    I never meet any persons personally. But As I got some mandrake scans from some sources, I wrote him, he told he have it & requested to not post. It was first conversation & in this blog till today I didn’t posted.

    ACK was started by you, I didn’t opened any new blog or posted anywhere else. Although I had many scans from various sources, myself gussed to asked permission and posted only after contributors permission, all replied. Is it was difficult to open a blog? Your named was hanged there not mine. Is it not respect for you?

    You said about ACK copyrights, read in TCP blog, I wrote I’m trying to find a solution. Some details are in post about it.

    I’m also not against anybody, but if you love someone will find way to understand. If you this guy, ask him did I not wrote him privately first. Ask Ajay, did I not ask about IJC scans? He was forwarding me too, some with a note for particular blog, some without. You all were posting, I was happy, again all stopped, after that I started and only with permission of contributor. If number of contributors are problems, can talk with some to send you too & their will be no duplications from my side at least in 6-12 months, if even their will need to post. Always avoid to post if I’ve information about coming scans.

    As I said earlier, I really like your blog. I don’t think you need scans as you have almost all IJC. You can serve all in interesting way.

    By the way, I also don’t need loan. You joked, I was with you. It was an original joke.

    Please tell, you never got time to answer me & now you are advocating P.M. Is he your friend? I confussed. I don't think such a nice person like you could be.

    You had also posted ACK, may be that's Dinesh bhai is saying. :)

  11. >Today it is Piyush; tomorrow someone else will do something else. They have the right;

    From where did this divine "right" come from? Is this a moral right or legal right? In the next comment you say "the original authors shouldn't have that much right to it, in the first place". You also say "Simply because Indrajal is not in print, you can't presume they lost the copyright"

    Which is it? Are there any rights or none at all? And you claim you have a law degree?

    You have no clue what the legal agreement is between ToI and King; you have no clue whether the rights lapsed or not; you have no clue about the difference between legal and moral rights; you don't even read the posts or the comments-yet you are presumptuous enough to threaten, ask the bloggers to close shop and decide on everyone's behalf.

    >you don't have "pirate's rights" simply because you spent hours scanning some one else's intellectual property.

    May be, but the bloggers have a right to WIND UP AND NOT POST ANYTHING. This may not be a big deal to you and piyush but to the rest of us it is.
    >happens every where and it is nothing wrong.

    From whose point of view?

    >it is best you don't post at all.
    You decided, and we are supposed to fall in line?

    >I for one don't want to read anything from your blogs at such a price.
    Thank you. You are welcome to quit reading this blog, but you cannot make decisions on our behalf.

    >I am not even going to bother with the rest of Maddy's maddening rant
    Neither do I - I will not bother with the rest of your rubbish.

    In response to ICC
    >is your operating system original?
    Yes :) Even if not, two wrongs don't make it right :-)

    >what did you find wrong in my post?
    perhaps you have revealed the identity of the first commenter?

  12. Hey Dinesh, assuming that ACK Media hasnt already taken note of all the blogs where ACKs are posted, which I strongly doubt, I feel that this drama has to stop first.

    First of all, we scanners respect copyright. I have been purchasing IJCs and ACKs right from when i was a kid and recently too, I added a few comics to my growing collection of ACKs.

    Yes, since you are a lawyer, you know the finer aspects of the law and god forbid, if one of these big publishing companies decide to sue us, we'll be in major trouble since they hire lawyers with amazing potential.

    But at the same time, i feel that Prabhat and all other contributors have strongly encouraged people to buy ACKs and other scanned comics and contribute to the publisher.

    I too had a lot of pirated music and movies on my pc, but thge main reason for that was the high price of English music cds and dvds. But since i wanted to support the artist, i made it a point to visit all the concerts held in Bangalore. I was there for Bryan Adams, Iron Maiden, Jethro Tull among others. Recently, I bought the music cd of the Kannada movie Psycho which features the wonderful musician Raghu Dixit. I did download the mp3 first to sample the songs, but I went and bought the music cd since i liked the music immensely. Also, after Moser Baer introduced their low cost dvds, I have added quite a few to my collection. the entire Guru Dutt collection and Jaane Bhi do Yaaro, to mention a few.

    One thing we must all understand here is scanning and posting take a lot of effort and time. Yes, I agree aXXo and FXG and others never beg for people's appreciation. But at the end of the day, do we know who aXXo or FXG really is? Is aXXo a man, a woman, a p2p or scene group? We, on the other hand , are revealing our personal identities to make the blog/site more personal.

    Trust me, the only intention Prabhat and team have is to spread the message of ACKs to the world. I am not speaking for Prabhat here, he is elder to me and is wiser. But I am mature enough to understand his honest intentions and of the other contributors.

    And if you have noticed, we dont run ads, unlike Piyush who has a huge banner on the left of his blog which by the way looks horrible.

    In fact, the day i saw his comment of ack-media blog, i wanted to giev him some advice regarding the organization of the blog. What he can do is put a list of all ACKs with thumbnail views and give hyperlinks next to each ACK without failing to mention the blog on which they appeared first and also the person scanning and posting them. I dont think thats asking too much. Same thing can be done with IJC's also. This way, anybody can get any comic within a few clicks.

    I sincerely hope that this matter is laid to rest. Also, i hope piyush takes my suggestions seriously.

  13. Let me elaborate something.

    The source of the confusion is that "Dinesh" and some of us forget the distinction between legal rights and moral rights.

    From a strict legal viewpoint, at worst all of us committed a crime - including "Dinesh" who openly admitted to downloading comics from this blog and elsewhere. At best, we might be totally innocent. We don't know the agreement between IJC and King/the authors etc. We don't even know who has jurisdiction! So please spare us these threats about complaining to Google or King etc. and don't be a cry baby. It is for the aggrieved party to complain and apparently no one did so far.

    Speaking of moral rights:
    1. Should we take permission before reposting links that someone else created after a lot of hard work?

    2. Do we have to respect the wishes of the people who scanned and/or uploaded the blog - again considering that they spent hours with no reward and considering that they are not asking for anything too difficult (let alone kow-tow)?

    The answers could be yes/yes or no/no based on your ethics. But please do not confuse this with legal issues, the wrongs that each party committed etc. They will not alter the basic issues.

    ICC - "Dinesh" used the word "I" 26 times in his comments :) You were way behind, with just 10 :)

  14. In 1964 me and my two elder brothers were suffering with small pox and were on bed. Then one day my father brought us Indrajal Comics 2nd issue - Prince Orq. That day changed my life and I become avid reader. Nandan, Parag, Chandamama, Lotpot, Deewana Tej were some of the magazines which I subscribed regularly. But the tension to get hold of Indrajal Comics the day it comes in the market was no parallel.
    Very soon Dara Singh and Phantom became my hero and started coming in my dream. I would go to watch Dara Singh fights or his movies. I still remember very vividly how my father will take me to watch Dara Singh movie and how I had enjoyed the whole day with some special treats from him. I could meet Dara Singh in a plane journey but Phantom remained in my fantasies.
    Days went on and I collected many books and comics. One day I started my library and would let out at 5 Paisa a day (market rate 10 Paisa a day those days). With those earnings I would buy more such books to add on to my library. Many memories are associated with those days.
    I remember how painful it was to not to miss on any Indrajal Issue while I am at my grand-mother’s place (Sitapur – a small town near Lucknow) during my summer vacation. I would visit Bus Stand frequently to enquire if any issue has come.
    Like many others I never got hold of Issue 1 – Vetal Ki Mekhla.
    I got busy in building my career in 1987 and slowly lost interest in Indrajal because of two reasons: many were repeat issues and many new characters were added. My favorites were Phantom, Mandrake and Flash in that order.
    Rats helped in destroying all my collections and finally I was left with some memories only. Sinh Ya Pret, Timpani ke Nagade, Human Beast, Jungle Patrol, Deadly Web, Masked Marvelwere some of the stories which I will remember.
    I started dreaming and yearning to get hold of all issues of Indrajal Comics after I crossed the age of 50. A year back I went on offsite visit with my office and there my HR Leader threw quiz on Indrajal character. I participated with all correct answers. Later I thought how these youngsters know about Indrajal character. The only possible answer I could find was Net for them. I searched and got hold of these sites. My dream came true and I started downloading these comics.
    And then this controversy which makes me realize what others want and how I was denying them by silently downloading without any acknowledgement to all who are doing a great service to the community.
    My sincere thanks to all of them. Thanks Prabhat for reversing your decision.

  15. Ok, let's end this whole "legal" battle now shall we? This issue of "copyrights" is a very trivial issue! None of the bloggers are making any money off of their blogs, so the piracy issue doesn't arise.

    And, Dinesh dude, why do you want to close any of the blogs down? Is that going to be legal, yes! But is it going to be useful, no! As it is, our legal system is very corrupt and inefficient - why bother with copyright issues, when a bunch of rapists and terrorists are running for political office? Can our esteemed legal system take care of hardcore thugs? That bastard Tytler has been acquitted, and he claims to be a friend of Sikhs; can you believe that crap? The legal system is also ok with a bunch of uneducated illiterate criminals running the country, but that's ok too!

    So, let's all cool down, and carry on with the way we always have! As far as the PM guy is concerned, I think it's boring to have a blog and not have any comments/content on it - it's just like downloading porn in that case! Zero interaction with a bunch of links! If people prefer that, then that's their choice!

    Hah! Such a long comment this is, and I don't get the point of my own comment! :P Well... simply put, let's not close anything down, and let's continue on forward!

  16. prabhat

    i do not know "peeyush" i know manish, r both the same person? no idea,,,

    i really do not remember if u wrote me, if u, then i take my word back,

    i did not talk to u that time/ never after that(assuming u wrote ) because i didn't find anything wrong in your purpose, you were making it easy,
    i still have no problem with that
    just pointed out as i applied the same logic with ur case, thats all

    acks;;; i was against it from the begining, u can read my post also..

    i am also posting comics, so what i said to u is applicable to me also -)) i do not deny that, but the point is i do not have any problem with peeyoush, and u all have,,

    i do not mind if he posts my comic on his blog , infact if he comes forward, i will give him no 16 to post on his blog and i am serious,

    why don;t you divert some of your contributions to him ,, this way he can post also and join us

    i do not know this person, only thing is i did no find anything wrong
    we have given many persons a chance to rectify their mistakes...
    this person had given all credits to everyone with the name of blogs
    what more you want?

    dear prabhat ( this is personal)

    i am not against you, u have been doing a wonderful job for last one and half yrs.. i have acknowledged that many times openly in my blogs alsong with my nonsense posts -)))
    i still have no problem with that esnip folder, never had infact, its a wonderful idea to bring all together, so is peeyoush's to bring the blogs all together ,, what is wrong with that?
    i still do not understand...

    i hope i have cleared all points..

    i think now i really deserve a loan from ICICI at nominal interest -))))

  17. Who's this Manish dude?? I have my guess,but if you know him please reveal we need to stop this kind of stealing links and all sort of things!!

    >>PM/Manish Srivastav:
    tell us,DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SELF-RESPECT???FORGET ABOUT YOUR Family's respect...where even after your mother/sister got so much abused,you still kep those comments there FOR OTHER'S "ENJOYMENT"...

  18. Anon

    peeyoush did not take any credit,.. he openly gave the link and name of all bloggers,

    whos sentiment is hurt?

  19. adibud, wonderful comment...

  20. Apparently Prabhat's :) Ajay's :)) Is that not enough?

    Yes, you had no problem with esnips but what if you did? What if you asked Prabhat to remove all your comics from his site and he refused? Does his opinion/wish not matter at all? I think that is the question.

    No offense meant, btw. Love your blog.

  21. Dinesh Colaco: Welcome! Some friends replied you. I was going to appreciate your honest view and read next comment. Please decide a strategy, you are a lawyer. Or it’s also a fake id of same person. As about ACK copyrights, please read my post & please file a case, I already removed before your visit. About IJC also can go ahead. Now you downloaded many, rest I’m going to post, your future is saved. Every community have some expectations & traditions. You can download here & support PM, go ahead. Great

  22. After visiting some of the respected comic blogs which have been around for many years, its become quite apparent to me that most of bloggers are angry that PM has stolen their links without their consent.

    Its totally understandable because lot of effort and time goes into scanning, editing the scans and posting. And for the uninitiated, let me tell a few things about scanning. On an average, a 30 page comic will take about 30 mins for scanning at 300dpi. Editing (straightening the pages, removing artifacts, improving contrast, etc etc) will take some more time. This is just one part.

    Now comes the posting part. Some bloggers just put some
    info from Wikipedia or give no info at all sometimes. Of course, its personal choice. But when it comes to Prabhat, he takes pains to do proper research regarding each ACK before he posts. And his efforts have to be lauded. Kindly visit hmindia or some of his older posts in ack-media. Prabhat's posts themselves are a wealth of information , apart from the comic itself.

    And then, the uploading. Since I always upload HQ scans, each 30-32 page comic will be ain the range of 45-50 mb. And most of the times, I keep myself awake till 2am or get up early and upload these comics.(Reason-BSNL happy hours from 2am-8am). Of course, people will unlimited data plans dont have this issue.

    So, scanning a comic, editing it,uploading and posting it is a time consuming and tedious process. I am sure many followers of these blogs have many comics and a scanner too. But not many come forward with scans. Why? Its for all the reasons mentioned above.

    Sometime back, when aXXo had taken a break, a group/person by name KLAXXON(which sounds quite similar to aXXo) started bringing out torrents and everyone started posting nasty comments on his posts. They were disgusted that KLAXXON was trying to get some cheap publicity while aXXo was on a hiatus. A similar thing is happening here.

    While the idea of PM of putting all comics under one heading is a good idea, i think the best way for him to do it would be to post the covers and then give the link to the original post at the bottom and not post any direct download links. Since he will be giving links to the actual posts and not the download links, the question of him thanking the contributor wont arise because the visitors will eventually be redirected to the original post. This way, even the people posting and contributors wont get offended. Also, you can follow a numbering system , [preferably one of the more authentic and verified ones]. I know this will involve some work from your side, but i am sure its possible.

    Also, with regard to ads, nobody in the comic blogging community likes ads. These comic blogs get lots of visitors everyday, sometimes thousands every month. If the blog owners wished, they could run ads themselves and made cartloads of money by now. But they are not doing it. Thats why, its my sincere advice that you make your blog ad-free. You cant profit from somebody else's work. Its very wrong.

    This unfortunate incident has shaken up the comic blogging community. People will be more more wary of posting comics now. At the end of the day, its the comic book fan who will suffer and none of us want that to happen.

  23. I would request that all back up a little bit. Let us continue as we were before Apr 1 , 2009. Keep posting and downloading just as if the "PM" dude does not exist.

    ICC gave his frank opinion, which I think is a valid one. Let us not pile on him for whatever reason. ICC, please do not forget to post #16.

    So don't worry. Be happy.

  24. @Prabhat, @Dinesh, @ICC: Dinesh or whoever, is Definitely NOT a lawyer, though may be aging and have acutally had a law degree at some point! I should know having a JD myself. No real attorney (of any kind) throws around the kind of irresponsible garbage lawsuit-lawyer talk other than wanna-be(s). Empty threats are easy hiding behind anonymity. And as I said in my first post, formal education doesn't mean they know what they are talking about.

    Draconian copyright laws - REALLY?? Have you even looked up what that means??? Cruel and Exceeedingly Severe - Copyright Laws REALLY????

    Is it that much easier to call it an alliterative rant than to acknowledge its validity?

    Well at least, there was one seemingly valid point made- the statement about having half-a-mind... I really don't understand Dinesh's purpose here- maybe this apt saying from the yesteryear may be apropos: Dhobi ka kutta, na ghar ka, na ghaat ka!

    @Prabhat: I will get in touch with you elsewhere- there may be an even simpler (though with a couple of more steps) solution for this issue, versus the previous failed one!

    One of these days I have to sign-in before I leave a message.


  25. This is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! First there's a low life who calls himself Peyoosh (when in reality, he is his alter-ego Manish) creeps out from nowhere to play kill-joy and then there are others going all out to defend his creepiness.

    If anyone doesn't like the content that is being hosted here, please do the others a favor by disappearing from here. Lawsuits, Pirates, Operating systems... BAH!

  26. Rakesh Saxena: Sorry Sir! You visited and such incidents you are watching. I was sick & tied of this type of regular direct & indirect disturbance. As much I can, was avoiding. Noted, whenever a blog or blogs are trying to be more effective, some people try to disturb. They will do nothing himself, whenever a person or team try will disturb certainly. All creativity ends here.

    I’m younger than you, my first IJC was #295. I always took with me at least 1-2 IJC which I liked to read in 2 short breaks (15 minutes), sometime in lunch rather than playing. There are lot of such memories are attached with IJC all of us. I hope other bloggers who have power in pen will continue discussion with Indrajal comics. I’ll concentrate on Phantom published by other publishers, some more series & sometimes some better versions of old scans of IJC. We are near to complete first round only.

    About comments: As less I get for myself, more time to post. :) Whenever we start any new series, we check reaction to understand demand. Only that time I like to see some comments. I had not scanned any comics, but contributors are very generous. You can understand their efforts. I will be thankful to see thanks for them instead of me. Mostly contributors wish to see their post only here, not only now, but also from initial stage. Is it difficult to honor contributor's choice? It was reason of my protest.

    Some bloggers like comments, discussion, and I agree with them about their expectation. It was another reason of my protest.

  27. adibud34: Thanks! Nice comments. I'll try to post all IJC as soon as possible.

  28. ICC: I have also three friends named Manish. One is Dean in one Engineering college. Second -better to say like brother, a former IITian & an IES topper in Indian Railways at present posted in Bhopal, M.P., third is also IES working in telecommunications department in M.P..

    Many contributors had protested. We created blog, but mostly IJC were scanned by contributors. These are posted in our blog, but these are not ours, we don’t have rights to decide in behalf of them. Please listen voice of the contributors whose scans made IJC blogs popular. You are an intelligent guy with great sense of humour (really like), the contributors are not joking, saying seriously.

    Do you want to say you quit ACK blog? I was informed who are posting only those name’s are in list. :)

    I’m diverting in some cases, ask AJAY & VENKIT. Posting all 803 IJC it’s not my target, just complete series & and give more time to other blog. In some other cases I’m going to post whole series.

    You are true about chance, let he come out from shadow, show his face and prove himself by deeds. I’ll first to send him. I afraid, he will never like to reveal identity himself. After this incident I afraid, my request will not work. They are my friends, I’m not boss. He had spoiled his image himself. Some scans on my request forwarding to some friends, you can ask Venkit & Ajay.

    Good idea #16, this way it’ll be not copied. Two birds in one short. I’m you fan. :)))

    PM should put your photo near God and worship, loan . By the way there are only 24 branches of ICICI, can arrange tel numbers. :)))

  29. Anonymous: " What if you asked Prabhat to remove all your comics from his site and he refused? "

    I removed without a second thought. :)

  30. Venkitachalam Subramanian: In 1-2 days, I’ll be back in more refreshed mode. Eagerly waiting ICC’s post.

  31. Madhubala: Thanks for your support! I'm waiting your mail.

  32. Apoorva Chandar: Thanks! Pls concentrate on your exams. Do not be diverted this month. I’d like to see you in I... N.. D.... Once I told about this type of situation. Don’t worry, it’s life.

  33. Anonymous: >it is best you don't post at all.

    You are correctly noted. Whenever a blog or blogs try to be more productive some try to disturb. All creativity ends here.

  34. @ Mr. Lawer up above,

    That Book violation (Piracy)/ copyright law is controversial.
    You with your Lawbook have studied the Law but seldom understood Justice.

    A farmer uses all his efforts, creativness, labours, investments etc. on planting his crops for months. When his crops grows, he carries them to the market. You buy his vegetables from the market. In your Kichen u make curries/sabjis or whatever you wish to, out of them. You party by sharing them with your family,friends and guests.

    Now use the same Lawbook to provide equal Justifications and give that same copyrights to that farmer too for his vegetables. If you can't then where is your point of Justification towards that farmer comparing with the providing of copyrights to the Author/Publisher of a book ?

    Or should i say, Your so called copyright Laws are Bullshits made only for those RICH publishers and NOT for that POOR farmer who works much more harder for his crops... than an author/publisher who wants to earn FOREVER out from a single book.

    I heard that The Laws promise EQUAL JUSTICE for everyone. :P

    Answer me.

  35. @ Mr. Lawer up above,

    That Book violation (Piracy)/ copyright law is controversial.
    You with your Lawbook have studied the Law but seldom understood Justice.

    A farmer uses all his efforts, creativness, labours, investments etc. on planting his crops for months. When his crops grows, he carries them to the market. You buy his vegetables from the market. In your Kichen u make curries/sabjis or whatever you wish to, out of them. You party by sharing them with your family,friends and guests.

    Now use the same Lawbook to provide equal Justifications and give that same copyrights to that farmer too for his vegetables. If you can't then where is your point of Justification towards that farmer comparing with the providing of copyrights to the Author/Publisher of a book ?

    Or should i say, Your so called copyright Laws are Bullshits made only for those RICH publishers and NOT for that POOR farmer who works much more harder for his crops... than an author/publisher who wants to earn FOREVER out from a single book.

    I heard that The Laws promise EQUAL JUSTICE for everyone. :P

    Answer me.

  36. but what will new people like me do???????????i came into downlaoding IJCs around 2 weeks ago and found a goldmine in your group's mediafire folder.but now there's not even a single link in that mediafire folder.what will i do?????????can you please mail me in
    as for copyright issues, i don't know about these thing so i won't comment.but i myself collect IJCs and i have around 250 bengali IJCs (mostly above #300 with only 50 below #300 and the oldest one being #70 which is english #92).

  37. Guys, this is getting really really sad. First this joker PM spoils the mood of this nice little community of IJC/ACK bloggers, and now all this crap abut copyright laws, etc. Some ppl have fundoo imagination when it comes to causing trouble and heartburn.
    Like Venkit has mentioned, I hope we can get back to the good old pre-apr 1st days, and put this ugly incident behind us.
    BTW, I am not a liar...I like that fellow above, but as long as Prabhat, Sameer, Balaji, Ajay and others are NOT offering their downloads at a price, why should it be a copyright infringement?

  38. hi guys.. the manish srivastava whose name is being thrown about in the above posts has no link with peeyush.. the postings made under my name are completely fraudulent.. i no way condone peeyush acts... i would request reference to my name be removed from teh blog and postings.. someone has stolen my name and is posting under my name.. once again my opinion on the subject is posted under the blog name 'work'.. to reiterate i repeat my previous postings below...

    Work said...
    what you are doing is not right.. you should respect the opinion of the people who have put in all the hard work and take down your link immediately.. else you are indulging in plagiarism and worthy of no respect..
    April 2, 2009 11:36 PM
    Work said...
    also so that you understand the indrajal comic blog owners have given me hundreds of hours of joy and you using their material inspite of their wishes ... Not a good thing to do ...
    - Show quoted text

  39. #WORK: Ohh really??? DON'T PROVOKE US!!! do you just commenting from different computers,as suggested by PRABHAT??? :)))
    And if you are NOT any blogger,just a visitor wid a name MANISH SRIVASTAV,then don't we know OUR "MANISH SRIVASTAV" is BLOGGER,who's after STEALING THE LINKS in name of "fake/imaginary" PM only!!!

    SO,we have two MANISH SRIVASTAV!!!;o)) and our target is that BLOGGER one only....

  40. at least we know "one" MANISH SRIVASTAV very well icld. where he lives & WHAT IS HIS Blog(s) URLs!!!

    IF YOU ARE "THAT" Manish,THEN DON'T PROVOKE US TO RUIN your own work,whatever little you have done in you site(you may again have to delet your blog!!lolz ....get the link??? ;))

    and if you r a visitor only,then simply chill!! :)

  41. Hello WORK(OR whoever behind this id!),
    Let's clear few things...OUR point was not to attack some "MANISH SRIVASTAV" BUT THAT fake bloggger PM,where when somebody claimed PM is MS,tht comment was immdediately deleted AND cpmment option was disabled,whereas as you know,so many dirty abuses visitors left from 1st-4th april,none were deleted till then!!!!!

    That's why this simple question arised in Prabhat's(& other's) mind WHY THAT"MANISH SRIVASTAV" NAME IS DEARER THAN family members/mother's respect etc,as they were abused very much,but comment deleted bearing ONLY tht "MS" name only!!

    And PRABHAT/BALA never says this MS lives here or gave address/job description so why worried???

    If you r NOT P,then chill!!!

  42. Hello Prabhat
    Dobra Din.
    Opened your site and went to the comments section.
    Wow ! what a flood of poo!
    They are all from the same gang.
    PM, Manish, and now Dinesh.
    This gang must be eliminated, and the best way to do it is, for you to delete all their comments and nonsenses.
    Let us all go back a few days and start fresh.
    On yours, and other related sites I would just like to see comics, and not bhaigiri talks.
    Remember'elephant walk-dogs bark'.
    The whole gang is jealous of you.
    I have liked your sincerity and dedication to IJC and ACK comics, and I appreciate it very much.
    I'am sure along with myself, there will be thousands of your fans who will say the same.
    Also may I add, getting angry and having revengfull attitude, is always self harming. One must always have control of ones senses.
    So once again, let us stick to our purpose of comics and enjoy life.
    LG man LG!

  43. jay,

    i think you forgot me to add !!!-))) in the union of PM, manish (?????) dinesh (!!!!!)

  44. Hello ICC,
    I have been following all you guys blogs for the past few months only.
    Anyone who can go through the task of posting the following on Indrajal Comic Blogspot,

    1. 31-3-2009 Additional pages of#001

    2. 27-3-2009: Facts of Rajanikant

    And, can quote Ghalib, cannot be a member of this infamous gang.

    I do not know the background and relations between all you guys.
    There is surely an interesting history.

    I can sense that you have no love lost for Prabhat, seeing all your latest comments in favour of PM, I can only guess that you are in a devilisly - deliciously - mishievous mood to needle Prabhat. I also noticed that you have not given any link to Books and Comics, in your 'Near N Dear' section( perhaps you have not updated it).
    What happened in the past I do not know, but now of late the whole setup of IJC and ACK comics on the net has been disturbed.
    People are talking of piracy, copywrite, legalities, bad words, threats!
    This Indian comic blogs was supposed to be fun.
    Here the code word is INDIAN.
    We can never live together and cooperate can we? By 'we', I mean we Indians.
    Now for you, I can see from your comment to me that you somehow feel hurt, and got into your mind that that I was implying you to be a part of this gang.
    I can assure you it is not so, otherwise I would have never visited your sites regularly for new posting to enjoy.
    Now saying all this I will request you to please follow my advise which I gave to Prabhat, "delete all the nonsense comments and start fresh as per normal routine and focus only on comics".
    Finaly this one is for you ( modified on Ghalib)

    Hain aur bhi duniya mein comic blog bohot achche,
    Kehte hain ke ICC ka hai andaaz-e-bayan aur.

    Enjoy life LG.
    Jai Hind.

  45. Dinesh Colaco,
    You have not answered my Law-Related Query so far.

  46. Dinesh Colaco,
    You have not answered my Law-Related Query so far.

  47. Have the following comics been published by anyone onlie?
    1) Mandrake-The Sacred City of Gold
    2) Phantom - The Doomed Captives
    3) Flash - Ming's Deadly Trap
    4) Phil - The Frozen Death
    5) Phantom - Witch of the Misty Mountains
    6) Mandrake - The Hideous Underworld
    7) Mandrake - The Magic Spells, part 1 & 2
    8) Bahadur - The Vortex of Crime
    9) Phil - Mystery of the Moon Island
    10) Phantom - Beyond the River of Fire
    11) Bahadur - The Call of the Valley
    12) Mandrake - The Innocent Victims
    13) Phantom - The Consipiring Witchmen
    14) Phantom - The Test of Fire
    15) Phantom - Gigantic beast
    16) Dara - Veiled Secret

    I'd be really thankful. Please email me the links at or leave as comment here.

    Prabhat/Ajay/Sameer and others, you are doing a great work. Keep this up.

  48. jai

    thanks for replying..-) i was joking, i thought many people want me to include in that list, or i am no other than piyoush -) thats the only theory left -)

    there is nothing between prabhat and me, i respect him i love his consistency which i do not have.. i have not given his link beacuse i havent updated my blog.. u must have noticed that many downloaded links are also missing,
    you must have also noticed that TCP has removed me and bala from his blog -)))) so, does it mean that there is something going on between us? -)))
    simple reason - 1) i havent updated my blog 2) as i am inactive, tcp must have removed me, there must be something between bala and him _)))

    no yaar, i really did not feel bad... it was just a joke, i think u hurt more

    i was not trying to needle prabhat.. i was serious, the things i pointed out were similar ,, nothing more...

    piracy??? whats that? each and every software in my machine is pirated,, _))) all comics i have downloaded. all mp3 are pirated. i pointed out to prove my point that we all are in a same boat,, so why fuss?

    its still fun.. people are enjoying-)))

    thanks for visiting icc and others, go and visit piyoush' blog also, download some comics from there too, that will add to our mediafire account only -)))))

    now, you have started it, prabhat ke blog pe icc ki tarif??

    jai hind and jai maharashtra also -))

  49. @ICC
    Surya oogavala, prabhat jhali, ootha Maha Ganapati...
    I hope it is a new day, a new morning and a new begining.
    Sarva ekatra hooun IJC ani ACKch aanand ghae oouya.
    You guys are crazy, but I love you all.
    Jai Hind ani Jai Maharashtra.

  50. jai

    tula koprapasun namaskar!!!!!

    marathi manoos marathi manshashi vaad ghaltoy -)))
    raj saheb kai mhantil? -000))

    ka aapan SS wale? ki rashtravadi?

    rahayla kuthe ??
    mumbai che ki sameer sarkhe gavakadche? -0

  51. Dear Prabhat ,
    As Vekit said , pl start posting ,now almost everything has been scanned . Your blog will touch greater popularity than previous one .
    What I feel that pl try to post all these before we all lose interest in scanning & others in posting . Most of people have got their own collection but thousands of persons still want these .


  52. @ICC
    Tumhala ani Raj Saheban na mazha sahaprem namashkar aso.

    Gelia Shamber varsha pasun SS samarthak :)))
    Janma, shikshan, vaadpun, Mumbai, nantar Nashik, sadya
    Bharatachaya baher, Om...

    Rest in English, otherwise all our friends will be bored.

    Cheers, hope all you guys will break this chakravyue and start posting as usual.
    Jai Hind ani Jai Maharashtra.

  53. Dear prabhat

    As ajay and venkt said please start posting and delete all nonsens comments including that of ICC from your blog. Before that please remove the link you provided to PM from your 3 rd april post

    Thank you for all the happy moments you provided to us

    Jyothi Kumar

  54. ICC: Forget to say, my English is too bad, I'm atrong in Russian. Apolize in advance for using many times "I" too. Hope the friend who are counting "I" will help to find out how many times "I was used.

  55. Indra: All IJC will be posted. scanning is going on as planned. I'll quicky post rest IJCs.

  56. Jai: Dobri Vechar! You can understand, in 5-6 days all irritated. This comedy is going on since a long time indirectly. Thanks for understanding.

    There is attempt to discourage us, now I’ll post rest IJCs more quickly than earlier. :)))

  57. Mr. Outlaw: I don't think he have answers. May be searching in internet. :)

  58. Work: Take it easy man! There are many P.M., but they are not protesting. Sadly names are not like figure prints, sometime they are common. This question to a particular person not to all M.S., my close friends names are same (M.S.).

  59. Simple person in a complex world: I'll check & send you links, pls give me some time.

  60. Ajay, Venkit: I will post more than earlier. Pls give me sometime. I am sick & tied of this type of regular provocations. Better to say once & bring into public such nice hearted kind person (s) for better future. Your level of English is higher; just guess who is (are) behind this.

  61. Jyothi Kumar: Pls do not worry; let people see the real faces of persons. There are more mystery remained to solve, better to solve once than per day.
    As you, request removing link of that blog. I’ll post more and more comics after this post. Give me some more time, some questions remaining unanswered. :)))

  62. How about putting all these behind and getting back to the good old days...PLEASE??..all this talk in multiple blogs are ruining the whole purpose and spirit of what you guys have been doing..and finally PM wins ?

  63. Maddy,

    You got your wish by getting personally abusive. You provoked me enough to send signed letters to the parties concerned. After sending these, I also sent a third party good faith letter to Google for hosting all these blogs. And yes, I know Google does not have to react to a notification other than from the infringed owner. I am but a lowly LLB from a government college, not a fancy pants JD from the Ivy League. But I do know the law well.

    If all you bloggers treat posting comics as ego-trips and have your leechers abuse people who don't agree with you, it is time all your websites went away.

  64. Dinesh, I hope you used your real name when you signed those letters!

    Please just quit this blog and leave us alone.

    (real name!)

  65. Dinesh, if you used the time you spent on drafting those letters on scanning a SINGLE comic, all of us would have been thankful to you.

    Has it occurred to you that all the contributions of these scanners and bloggers count for something? That they deserve some credit and appreciation? That their wishes deserve some respect and consideration?

    You are upset with "abuse" that you received here that you are working on killing all these websites. In the SAME sentence you are criticizing the bloggers for their ego!

    Has it occurred to you that there are hundreds of people who support Prabhat and may be two or three who oppose him? Do you really think you are entitled to shut down everything for every one? For what purpose?

  66. Dinesh,
    Srikanth said this in a nice way. But, I won't ...


  67. Dinesh C: Good work! You are a courageous man, may be you will have courage to leave your original name and full address or you are a paper LLB only. . :)

    Can you inform some time limits too? Min I’m sure you do not know. But max. at least you can guess: 1 month or 6th months, 1 year, or 10 years or ∞. :)

  68. Guys Guys Guys...Calm down...all the comic blogs going down, huh? So, Dinesh Colaco has taken the extreme step of sending signed letters to the publishing companies alleging copyright infringement...Very well folks...Well, there's IRC, there's torrent and there's TOR network, hell there's even e-mail. So, if all blogs are shut down eventually, we do have many ways out.

    And seriously, is this a prank being played to malign the names of people like Prabhat by some jealous bloggers who cant stand his multiple posts and his frequency of posting? Frankly, I dont know. But its quite possible, because its human tendency, especially among us Indians. If somebody is achieving fame and doing something good, others do everything possible to bring them down. Its quite sad, but such things have been happening for ages.

    I dont know about others, but will I stop scanning comics? Will I stop contributing before the ACK project is complete? Bloody hell no..In fact, this incident has reinforced my faith in scanning and I will continue with the same zeal...I sincerely hope the rest of the comic blogging community too does the same for the greater good of comic fans around the world...

    By the way, nothing new has been posted in PM's blog since 5th April. Has he gone underground? Will he take the suggestions I have given? Will he shut shop? It remains to be seen as to what his next moves are.

    But one thing PM did do was sow the seeds of hatred among us. Much like the British did between Hindus and Muslims before leaving the country. And even to this day, the fractured relations between the two communities show no signs of healing. Its my solemn hope that such a thing doesn't happen in this particular situation and all the comic bloggers unite once again..

  69. @Apoorva: Great post. You said:

    "By the way, nothing new has been posted in PM's blog since 5th April. "

    How can he? He is waiting for new comics from Prabhat :))) His primary source has been cut off!

  70. Dinesh C: Are you such a low categories person, addressing a lady to threaten? Say me/us directly at least in this virtual world or afraid to talk with men. How you will talk face to face, Mr. Paper King? Did you send mail through fake ID too?

  71. I am quite sure Madhubala is a pseudonym and Maddy is a guy, not a gal. D. Colaco is not a pseudonym however. I shall post the scans of my letters, on my letterhead, to the parties concerned a couple of days after Easter. What the parties concerned do with all these blogs up is up to them. But, I shall make many efforts to ensure that the various companies do deal with these blogs, including may be talking to their management.

    And, I don't threaten. However, I act more than I speak.

  72. Dinesh: Waiting egarly. Not said about any time limit. What about your address, may be send your photo too, Mr. Paper King aka Mr.Clean. :)))

  73. Waiting with bated breath for those letters on your letterhead! Shivering in our boots in the mean time...

    Yes you don't threaten, because you have used up all the threats and they landed like duds :)

    Please speak even lesser ;) Perhaps not speak at all?

    Dinesh, Manish, Peeyoush... Do I see a pattern here?

  74. @Dinesh-you need until after easter to post scans of your letters? If our scanners followed the same speed how long will it take for one comic? You have become a comic and comedian yourself. Thnks for the entertainment :-)

  75. @DINESH: AAs all asking,plz come back when ALL posts have been deleted by google,,till then GET LOST FROM HERE,YOU RAT!!
    I hope you get you message from Prabhat's blog!!Some fighting for you by telling us that you r MANISH but not SRIVASTAV,,wahtever,but that no meaning for us now,as we learnt your ORIGINAL Identity/state & of course BLOG(S)you running...It's our promise to you, IF YOU DON'T ABABDON that your "PLANET BLOG" ,very soon we will expose you with your ORIGINAL NAME/STATE/BLOG URL and will kick you out from this BLOG-PLANET!!

    Get it?????????

  76. In his first comment, Dinesh said 'You have to be big about it. Let go.'

    In his second comment, he said 'If I were you, I would simply post, and have fun with whoever is willing to interact with me, and leave it at that.'

    In the third comment, he talked about lawyers!

    In his next comment, he says if the bloggers/fans 'abuse people who don't agree with you, it is time all your websites went away'.

    In his last comment he says 'I shall make many efforts to ensure that the various companies do deal with these blogs, including may be talking to their management.'

    So much for being big, having fun, letting go, etc. etc. Is this guy schizophrenic?

  77. Anon,
    WOW, what a very nice APT comment. This Dinesh guy I am told is PM/Manish's closest friend/brother. Please DO NOT HURT HIS FEELINGS, Cause you know if he goes away there won't be any free entertainment for us.....


  78. Prabhat,
    I Know you are extremely busy and yet you have to put up with such Dinesh wanna be lawyers. All these kind of filthy minds can think is how to disrupt something that has taken so much of a coordinated effort. These folks not only threaten us with copyright stuff, but cause other genuine comic fans who DO NOT have access to any Indrajals or Frews or other comics that you keep posting so many on a regular basis to become losers. So, please keep the posts going.
    Thanks so much for all you do.

  79. Phantom And Mandrake Fan: Dear Friend, after 10-12 hours I'm coming back on normal timetable. I'm mostly outdoors for some personal works.

  80. @ Dinesh Colaco,
    U have just proved urself as the most stupidest of all stupids i came across in the net so far. For such an act Come foward with a balanced scale of Justice with your Laws, as i asked above.

    You may complain some google blogs that's supplying u with ACK & IJC, but u are a LOWLY LOOSER for u can seldom take any steps against the international P2P communities. Some blogs can/may be closed down by google,,,,, such act will only result as all those blogs reborning as "invite only". The
    loss will be for the likes of U.

    Furthermore, I want to bring some laws to ur notice ----->
    1/ Uploading a file to a uploading site is NOT a crime.
    2/ Storing a file by a uploading site is NOT a crime.
    3/ Proving a link to a file on a webpage is NOT a crime.
    3/ But downloading copyrighted files IS a crime.
    So U are the main CRIMINAL yourself.
    If u want to stay as "Mr. Clean" then don't download. Just enjoy the Texts posted. :)

    IBH (Ack) may respond to your letters, for they are among those publishers who wants to earn FOREVER from a single book.
    But Times Of India (IJC) will NOT. King Feature will love the Publicity of the popularities gained by the Phantom etc from these blogs.
    Lots of Comic Publishers LIKES their books being PIRATED, coz it help them in achieving Popularites all around the world. (And saves lons of Rupees on Publicity too) Spiderman comics gets Pirated too, but the Popularities gained by spiderman helped EARN a THOUSAND FOLDS MORE by their Movies..... :)

    Do u know why Microsoft doesn't take any steps regarding the Piracy of Windows ? They have knowledge of every window installed machine which connects with the net. If they takes any steps.... Users will switch over to Linux. As the flow to Linux increase, softwares developers will start following toward Linux too. So microsoft is ACTUALLY Letting WINDOWS to be Pirated, and enjoying the sales of Other Windows based softwares.

    If U are so brave with ur so called Copyright Laws, try stopping the Zero days scans which are actually PARTLY effecting the Publishers.
    Ever been to Pirate BAy ? Stop them if u CAN and DARE.
    Prove yourself with your Lawbook that how POWERFUL both of u are.
    I CHALLENGE u to that.

    Read this --->

    Or will Mr.Brave-Lawman turn his tail there ? :P

  81. @ Dinesh Colaco,
    U have just proved urself as the most stupidest of all stupids i came across in the net so far. For such an act Come foward with a balanced scale of Justice with your Laws, as i asked above.

    You may complain some google blogs that's supplying u with ACK & IJC, but u are a LOWLY LOOSER for u can seldom take any steps against the international P2P communities. Some blogs can/may be closed down by google,,,,, such act will only result as all those blogs reborning as "invite only". The
    loss will be for the likes of U.

    Furthermore, I want to bring some laws to ur notice ----->
    1/ Uploading a file to a uploading site is NOT a crime.
    2/ Storing a file by a uploading site is NOT a crime.
    3/ Proving a link to a file on a webpage is NOT a crime.
    3/ But downloading copyrighted files IS a crime.
    So U are the main CRIMINAL yourself.
    If u want to stay as "Mr. Clean" then don't download. Just enjoy the Texts posted. :)

    IBH (Ack) may respond to your letters, for they are among those publishers who wants to earn FOREVER from a single book.
    But Times Of India (IJC) will NOT. King Feature will love the Publicity of the popularities gained by the Phantom etc from these blogs.
    Lots of Comic Publishers LIKES their books being PIRATED, coz it help them in achieving Popularites all around the world. (And saves lons of Rupees on Publicity too) Spiderman comics gets Pirated too, but the Popularities gained by spiderman helped EARN a THOUSAND FOLDS MORE by their Movies..... :)

    Do u know why Microsoft doesn't take any steps regarding the Piracy of Windows ? They have knowledge of every window installed machine which connects with the net. If they takes any steps.... Users will switch over to Linux. As the flow to Linux increase, softwares developers will start following toward Linux too. So microsoft is ACTUALLY Letting WINDOWS to be Pirated, and enjoying the sales of Other Windows based softwares.

    If U are so brave with ur so called Copyright Laws, try stopping the Zero days scans which are actually PARTLY effecting the Publishers.
    Ever been to Pirate BAy ? Stop them if u CAN and DARE.
    Prove yourself with your Lawbook that how POWERFUL both of u are.
    I CHALLENGE u to that.

    Read this --->

    Or will Mr.Brave-Lawman turn his tail there ? :P

  82. Mr.Outlaw,
    You are absolutely right. The cost of losing to piracy is dependent on the popularity of the product and its market share. By allowing piracy it is an indirect way of advertising and without paying any money...oh I had not thought in that angle.
    What about Kazaa, DC++, torrents, E-Mule, will Dinesh be part of the legal team that goes about addressing these? Then the team is doomed and anybody having him is offering himself up for bad omen.

  83. This Dinesh guy is living upto "jis thali mein khana, wusi mein ched karn"....After happily reading all posted comics, he is deprived of comics for a few days and goes berserk....Now he is taking a lofty stance...."hypocrite" is the word that comes to mind. Where was your sense of righteousness, when you downloaded and read all those comics, Mr. Colaca?
    I echo Balaji's views...Dinesh, you earned nothing by doing this, but only the wrath and hatred of thousands of followers of this blog. You are truly the devil's advocate (Nay, the devil), for trying to pit the members of this community against each other. Fortunately, we have more sense than the Indians of a few hundred years ago that actually played into the hands of the british!

  84. I sincerely wish all of you stop fighting and things go on quietly s before.

  85. Did you see the "PM" dude's blog? Now he is posting links to the original blogs of Balaji & Sameer!

  86. That is very interesting development. That was all I told him to do in an email to him which has not been responded to date. Am beginning to think, things have turned around. Very nice to know. Thanks for the update, Venkit

  87. ..I understand all the blog author's frustration..but who won and who lost..will that be the moot question..the entire blog has turned into chaos..all it needed was 1 rotten egg..Ultimately who won ?

  88. Cool. That fellow should have done that since he started his blog. That way his blog will gain Lotta better popularity from visitors. Lovers of IJC will love his blog from now on, for they can keep better track to every new IJC posts on various blogs. It won't offend other bloggers too. The only fault was that he (PM) was dumb enough to understand this simple logic a bit sooner :)

  89. @ Phantom And Mandrake Fan,
    ".........Dinesh be part of the legal team that goes about addressing these? Then the team is doomed and anybody having him is offering himself up for bad omen.".... LMAO. :D

  90. though the new development in planet-comics is welcome as he is not ripping off others works and is providing links to the original blog, he is still running ads on his site (a huge banner to the left and in between posts).

    whether this is right or wrong, i am not sure. now that he is not giving download links, but only giving urls to the original blogs where the comics are posted, i am not sure know if he can or cannot post ads. it will mainly be a redirection site/blog. i am not sure about the profit issues here.

    i would like to know the opinion of other comic bloggers and contributors because most of the comics blogs are non profit blogs and usually dont have ads..

  91. I don't think it is a question of someone winning or losing. All that Sameer, Balaji or Prabhat would have liked was this way of putting everything together. It took a week and lot of bad blood for some (one) person to get enlightenment. All along I thought the Bodhi tree which gave enlightenment to Sidhartha was in Bihar! the PM dude just need to sit under that tree.

  92. @Krishnaji said - I sincerely wish all of you stop fighting and things go on quietly s before.

    This is an example of a total BS statement. What is your point? There are two opinions here. Majority of fans agree with Prabhat. Two people opposed. You can add your opinion, support one side or other or add some insights. No, you will not do any of that. Just offer a zen like statement. You want things go on quietly as before indeed!!! You want your downloads!!! Do you care about the concerns of the blogger? Is it that difficult for you to say what is right and what is wrong? Be bold for once! Silent people like you are more dangerous and harmful than folks like Dinesh. Don't want to start another fight but had to offer my two cents!

    @Venkit/Apoorva, please don't be too optimistic. The guy cannot post any comics because no one is posting links. Mandrake and Sameer did not provide download link. I hope for the best but I dont think the problme is over.

  93. dear anon,and all

    yes i opposed, i liked the idea of bringing the blogs together,
    i also pointed out the copyright issues, but just to show the similarity that we also do the same kinda things,, thats it, nothing more.. otherwise, if i had a piracy issue then i wouldnt have started my own blog !!! but after observing the whole issue( and getting my self involved in it, as people have started to think that pm is my friend and i am also involved in it -)) i have come to the conclusion that this pm( or whoever he is) should respect bloggers opinion,, and stop giving atleast direct links
    to have a different opinion is not a bad thing i suppose -
    otherwise you can happily add my name with dinesh -))

    i absolutely agree with you what u said( not about krishna -))
    problem is not yet solved!!!
    try to give direct links and then see what happens!!!


    if you all remember, i pointed out that we should ignore him, now see his blog, he has got followers too -))
    badnaam hue lekin naam to hua!!

  94. and biggest thing i forgot to mention


  95. ICC, Thanks for those thoughts, as long as you are not being compensated for your support towards his acts that's enough for us. PM, Instead of doing all this mess why could you not buy and scan some comics and put them in your blog. If you had done that I am sure you would have been even more famous...what is the cost of a lost opportunity? I think Dinesh is preparing how to answer my question in legal terms....maybe I think you have not lost that opportunity yet, it is never too late to spread something good

  96. Hey, this seems to be the most commented post I have seen on this or any other related sites.
    Another 2, and Prabhat gets a ton!

  97. Someone once said "What's in a name?"

    The similiarties is the SHHHH....
    Shhh <---- is used in comic captions to indicate hush-hush.
    So will u three Shut ur bloody acts UP ????

  98. Well, I will give a name on this 100th comment here.

  99. @ICC-thank you. Never thought/said you were with pm or dinesh. It is perfectly okay to have different opinion. Waht dinesh did wrong is trying to forcce everyone to agree with his opinion and threatening wtih lawsuits if we don't. Of course Krishnaji has no opinion at all :) Happy to see you come around. Even if you did not, I would still thank you for your blog. Now can we get our #16 please? :)))

  100. Anonymous:

    ABOUT KRISHA JI: I'll like to inform, he is our team member whom I respect. All these incidents understanding from start, may be better than us. He has my mediashare accounts passwords too. He is one of the person whom I trust 100%. Pls don't confuse with his polite or silent style.

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