
Friday, March 22, 2013

3 Tarzan Sunday strips

Here are 3 Sunday strips of Tarzan sent to me by Emile.

Name: S159 - The Forests of Eden - 1985-11-10 to 1986-01-26 - 12

Name: S160 - Mokele Mbembe - 1986-02-02 - 1986-04-20 - 12 weeks

Name: S161 - Castle of Assassins - 1986-04-27 - 1986-07-13 - 12

All credits and thanks are owed to Emile.




  1. Thanks to you both, Venki and Emile, for these nice strips.

  2. I found all the 3 comics incomplete on downloading.
    Are they really incomplete? or am I doing something wrong while downloading.
    Please let me know.

  3. The first comic was incomplete. The other 2 are complete.

    Here is the link for the complete S159 comic strip

    Emile had sent the wrong link by mistake.

  4. I have updated the link in the body of the post also. You have to click where it says : Click here to start download from sendspace.

    Otherwise you will get junk.

    Not all file servers are as user friendly as medisfire or rapidshare. I miss megaupload. I hear the new avatar of Mega is very godd. Have to try it out.

  5. Thanks for the link, Venkit.
    In all the three comics,it loads 24 panels each now but the first 12 panels are not opening and it says "unable to load" when I try to open these panels
    .All the three are opening from the panel no. 13 onwards only.
    Please have a look and guide me.

  6. Hi all,

    to be sure, I downloaded from SendSpace (I do not took my own archive from my hard disk) the zrchive file and unzip it.

    There are 12 files in it.

    If you really see 24 files, I suppose that they are 'by a group of 2' (say two times nearly the same file name). If so, I can assume that you (or someone on your Windows machine) have set to true the 'Show the invisibles files' property. Standard (AFAIK) value is False as it is also on OS X. When you ask to see the invisible files, you see OS specific files that both the OS vendor and the application developer does not want users to see.

    Other question: what is the file type of the files you cannot open ?

    Can you provide a screen shot ? (so I can see what I try to talk about ;-:) )


    PS: sorry for the inconvenience. I try to zip only files and I certainly forgot to do that for some zip file archives.

  7. Emile,thanks for the detailed explanation.

    Now I understand the reason behind having 2 dozens(24) instead of one(12)--- Wish I could apply the same technique while buying eggs.

    Jokes apart--- I don't know how to provide you "screen Shot" that you have mentioned-- I would be happy to provide if I know how to do it---.
    and also how to undo the "show the invisible files"---- as I also do not know how it happened.
    Please guide me.

    Thanks a ton....!!!!

  8. Hi praveen:

    A single google query ("how to show invisible files on windows") returns:

    Do the opposite to hide the invisible files (I am not sure you have to do that). Since now you know there is two kinds of files: visible and invisibles, you may stay where you are. Consider that all files starting with a dot (.) are 'invisibles'.
    But: if this disturb you, set them unvisible, otherwise let them as is; it only take space on hard disks.

    Google query:"How to make a screen shot"



    BTW: if you use OS X, only press cmd-3 (full screens, all screens).
