
Friday, July 20, 2012

Flash Gordon - S062 - Rok (1957-01-06 to 1957-03-10)

Story & Art: Mac Raboy 
Original run: 1957-01-06 to 1957-03-10
Summary: Stranded in a deserted sky city (see S-061 Paxora), Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkov teleport themselves back to Mongo's surface with the help of a hastily re-assembled robot.
Commencing their long journey to the Forest Kingdom, Zarkov begins to harbour doubts about his re-wiring of the robot, as the latter begins to display human emotions and starts using its acquired indestructibility to its own ends...
(Source of summary:


All credits go to "spax".


  1. Hello,

    Thanks for the comic! I have a request, maybe a hard one. Is it possible to post more frew phantom comics under the 1000's. The early ones. Not the daily comics that were printed in frew, but the early frew stories. Even up to 1200. They are harder to get hold of, so I was wondering if you could find someone who has early ones and are willing to scan.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

  2. @Kit Walker

    Go there:

    and watch how many times and in which issues that story was printed by Frew!

    The story name is “The Singh Brotherhood” (D001) and it was printed in FREW 6, then reprinted in FREW 97, 184, 292, 439, 609, 816, 918a, 1128, 1156 and 1472.

    Beside the front cover or any eventual advertising or other text, I do not think of an interest to get these issues.

    Of course, I will download them if it is available in some place, but I prefer to get modern, better printed, high resolution The Phantom Daily or|and Sunday Strips than any scan of older issue.

    This is just my opinion, yours can be different. If so, can you explain ?


  3. thanks for your comics.
    i want to revisit the work of Dan Barry's Flash.
    and most of all, Rip Kirby the quality scanned not indrajal,
    thanks again.

  4. @AnonymousNo, I meant any comic under the 1000 mark. Not that one particulary. I have already got that. Hopefully that explained it better.

  5. Kit,

    >Not that one particulary.

    It was an example. If you go to the provided links, you will get the same kind of data: this issue have been reprinted in Frew x, y, z, plus in this special, this one too and…
    is a Fantomet reprint (Fantomet #25 - 1990, print in english by Frew)

    The previous Frew issues are also reprints from Egmont, 'til:

    who was reprinted in Frew 1467 (2007 Annual Special):

    then, Frew print US stories 'til Frew 0989 (Zima, The Rogue Elephant by Sy Barry).

    Once again I do not understand excepted if you want Egmont reprints in FREW. If so, just say that ;-)


  6. Thanks a ton for this Flash comic...!!!

  7. @AnonymousSorry, I sound rather confused there. What I meant is that since I have access to more recent Frew comics, I would appreciate if someone who has access to older frew comics could scan them.

    I just meant older, not the very first ones, older issues that are hard to get hold of these days.

    Hopefully that clarifies that.


  8. @Kit Walker
    Hi Kit,

    go there:

    to watch Frew covers. Not only current, but older too!

    will display the firsts Frew (Issues 1 thru 18).

    Note that not all covers are represented (I found some holes).

    At last, no story scans, only covers.



  9. @AnonymousThanks, Sorry for making such a big thing out of it. All I was wondering was if anyone had any older comics they could scan....... Anyway.

    Thanks a lot.
    Appreciate it, Sincerely.
