
Monday, June 11, 2012

Flash Gordon - S060- Journey South (1956-08-26 to 1956-10-28)

Story & Art: Mac Raboy 
Original run: 1956-08-26 to 1956-10-28
Summary: Leaving Norlandia in an ice-ship to continue their journey towards Mongo's southern continent (see S-059 Axe of Mongo), Flash, Dale and Zarkov come under sustained attack by revengeful Wolf-Men mistaking their prey for hostile Norlandians.
Managing to repel the first attack, the trio are nevertheless in for a rough ride as a number of successive communities along the sea route grab their chance to teach their perceived arch enemies a deadly lesson...

(Source of summary:


All credits go to "spax".


  1. Thanks, Prabhat for another nice story with a wonderful scan.

  2. your posting speed well surpasses my reading speed. thanks for the recent bunch.

    are these available in colour, or were any of these ever published in colour? if not, i would like to try my hand on one of these. they are so nicely drawn, i can't help but imagine seeing them in full colour.

  3. Except S-94, I had never seen any colour strips of Mac Raboy so far.
    One can see clealy that many strips (coming soon)were reprinted as B&W from coloured versions only.

    I'm also missing colour versions. Can you colour from start these Mac Raboy strips?
    Earlier strips were B&W, I guess.
    By the way, these B&W strips set (vol 2,3 & 4 by Dark House) are avilable with 40% discount). Original price $19.95 - after discount $11.97 each. If interested check at
    Vol 1 one can buy at "Amazon".

  4. This is such a great story,
    I like it too much.

  5. @PBC
    To colour from start would be difficult because of shortage of time. Currently I am working on a Phantom strip. One mandrake strip is half done and pending since last year. I can only take a short Flash strip in between for a change.

    I checked your mentioned site. Would be great to have those books in collection. Heavy postage amount nullifies any discounts offered. But still wish to own some of those.

  6. @TPH I understand "very well" about difficulties & time given in coloring one story.
    So what you can is most appreciated.

  7. Hello,

    I really hate to bother you with this Prabhat, because I know what amount of work it is, but the post at here: has all links down. All daily and sunday links are down. I'm wondering if you could somehow replace them. I had them all on storage, but recently lost them and can't get them back. Once again, I hate to bother you with this, but it doesn't hurt to ask I guess.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. @Kit WalkerNot only those, mostly OLD links are gone. :)
    Lot of problems with mediafire…. I’m thinking about a solution for file hosting before fixing, as I can fix only once. Now a day, time is big problem. Lot of work...

    Bad News: Last year, by mistake I had formatted my one 1TB external disk in which all posts of this blog were saved. It's another reason I'm late in fixing links.

    Good News: But the major part I can recover from backup files & through friends.

    So, don’t worry! Please wait!As I’ll fix, I’ll put notice in sidebar for those whom I don’t know. As I know you, I’ll send you by mail just after uploading (i.e before fixing).

  9. While on the subject of filesharing, MediaFire has started having problems even for paid customers! (I am one) I am a great fan of Rapidshare paid account, and I understand that they have become friendlier towards free customers. (I really miss MegaUpload) Among the free downloading stuff I like zippyshare, jumbofiles and sendspace. Sendspace has some limitations though.

  10. Hello again,

    I have used jumbofiles extensively since mediafire started having problems and It's great! A little harder to navigate, but they don't ever seem to take stuff down. Even copyrighted stuff. I think that's the next best option, but I'll leave it to your judgement.

  11. Flash Gordon comics are great but hopefully soon rain down more Phantom comics.

  12. Many thanks Prabhat. Nice to see Flash Gordon still being posted by you.

  13. gracias por estos comics de mac raboy un abrazo
