
Sunday, April 10, 2011

D2-150 - "The Big Jump" (11/25/91 to 4/4/92)

Summary: Answering a distress call from a research laboratory orbiting Earth, Flash and Dr. Zarkov arrive too late to prevent a massacre that leaves all personnel floating dead in space.

Taking up hot pursuit of the laboratory’s escape launch in the company of the one survival, Flash and Zarkov are still to learn the chilling truth behind the research project responsible for the massacre and what horrors await them in space...
(Source of summary:
Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned and first shared at net.


  1. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I cann't download the file.

  2. @doc1947g The link is OK. Try after clearing cookies or in another browser.

  3. The faced similar problem with the link initially. On clicking the link (on the page at mediafire) it was merely getting refrashed and no download was starting.

    But I was able to solve the problem instantly by clearing my browser cache and attempting again. It worked smoothly.

    Thanks for the series Prabhat, Emile and Allen Lane.

    This strip is from year 1992 when Dan Barry had just left the Flash Gordon strips and KFS was trying to engage some other artists to work on this popular character. It is said Dan left it because he was asked for a cut in his pay by the KFS.

  4. sorry about the initial sentence.

    I faced similar problem with the link initially. On clicking the link (on the page at mediafire) it was merely getting refrashed and no download was starting.

    But I was able to solve the problem instantly by clearing my browser cache and attempting again. It worked smoothly.

    Thanks for the series Prabhat, Emile and Allen Lane.

    This strip is from year 1992 when Dan Barry had just left the Flash Gordon strips and KFS was trying to engage some other artists to work on this popular character. It is said Dan left it because he was asked for a cut in his pay by the KFS.
