
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mandrake Daily strips #255 to #260 (bigger size)

Hello friends!

Until today, I was avoiding posting Mandrake strips.

Just now from "Emile", received D #255 to #260 bigger size files than available at net. I'm going to download. If you also wish, here are these:

D255 - The Unknown Island 2008-01-07 to 2008-06-14 (35.02 MB)

D256 - Beware, The Bookworm 2008-06-16 to 2008-12-13 (41.82 MB)

D257 - One Wizard Too Many! 2008-12-15 to 2009-08-01 (39.21 MB)

D258 - Idol With No Name 2009-08-03 to 2010-03-06 (38.12 MB)

D259 - The Return of Doctor Hi-5! 2010-03-08 to 2010-08-28 (28.55 MB)

D260 - When Vampires Strikes - 2010-08-30 to 2011-02-26 (26.76 MB)

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her.


  1. Thanks for these Mandrake daily strips. Of course, thanks are due to Emile along with a question, if she visits this blog - Are these from the Daily Ink or elsewhere?

  2. @Venkitachalam Subramanian Hello Venkit, just wondering, did you know about the seattlepi website? if not, go to and click on the "comics" tab up the top of the page. After you click on that, there is a row of comics down the left hand side, click on one of those. I use this to read the daily phantom myself. Just thought you might be interested. It's free too.

  3. Thanks for the info, Kit and yes I was familiar with this site as also a couple of others which show the same comics. But you have to zoom into each comic to get a larger res.

  4. @PBC: Thanks...finally some high-res of Post-Falk MTM dailies!:)
    By the way,we have the Post-Falk Dailies D231 to D247 in a very SR,allmost unreadable kind of...see if these series too possible in HR or atleast MR!!

  5. @Hojo Seems, the Mandrake strips are hit in all terms- even the numbers of comments are much more than last several posts. Ha ha ha....

    May be high time switching to Mandrake. :) Just kidding.

    If seriously, I would try posting better versions of the Phantom & Mandrake strips like last days. Thanks to Venkit, Emile & TPH many better versions we collected here.

    Hoping not only Lothar (posts after editing), but You (as it's) & Bala (as it's & edited) would be more active. Let you 3 together or independently try posting missing strips.

    I'll post better versions or missing strips quickly, if any person sends me "for posting". OK?

  6. Links are not working bro. Please check.
