
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

D2-142 - "Hari Hari” (5/27/89 to 8/22/89)

Flash Gordon D-2 Series Strip 
Art: Dan Barry 

Summary: Stuck with the problem of relocating giant dinosaurs back to Mongo (see D2-141 Dinosaurs), Egon suggests that Dr Zarkov uses a matter transmitter to teleport the animals back to their natural habitat.

With no such machine available in their time, Flash and Egon travel to the 22nd century to obtain one and end up in a society plagued by unbridled pollution, devoid of human population and completely devoted to the teachings of an unexpected messiah...
(Source of summary:  

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned and first shared at net.


  1. Good News! Good News !!

    Found 25 daily strips of Buzz Sawyer here at BC blog :)

    Bad Luck !

    Not even single link is working :(


    I hope Mr.PBC will soon provide all new links of daily strips of buz sawyer

    Thanks man for your lovely posting of amazing strips of Flash Gordon

  2. @TIGER Since several months planning to fix links, but can't find time. I'll fix certainly, but when, can't promise at present.

    About fixed links, I'll give notice in sidebar.

  3. Dear PBC,

    Here's hoping everything is fine and dandy on your side. We haven't seen any new posts on your wonderful blog for several days now. Eagerly waiting for the next few Flash Gordon strips, whenever you are able to compile them.

    Thank you as always and keep up the amazing work.
