
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#1052 (Frew): The Final Battle

Enjoy "The Final Battle"
Writer: Lennart Moberg
Artist: Felmang

Scanned, edited & uploaded by "Laki"
Courtesy: Kit walker 

All credits go to both friends.
  • Next post one more Frew by Laki. 
  • Some Flash Gordon's Sunday strips are coming soon.


  1. Thank you Prabhat & Kit walker. After a long spell of heavy IJC rain from Venkit, the last few days have been dry. I am glad to see the dry spell broken again by the other Kit :o)

  2. I did not know that the Phantom was known as Kip!!

  3. @Venkitachalam Subramanian The first time that I ever heard of the phantom being called Kip was in the "First Year" series Frew 1394 "Johnny Hotwire" edition. The Phantom is greeted by his aunt Bessie and uncle Sid as "Kip". Can someone correct me as to the first time the phantom is called that? I think it is in an early sunday strip in Lee Falks time where it accidently passed the editors and the european publishers of the comic picked up on that and called him "Kip" as a regular thing.
    Lee Falk originally intended that he was to be called "Kit" I think. If I've made a mistake or missed something, anyone is free to correct me. Hope this sheds some light on the matter!

  4. I've just been reading through Jim's introduction to Frew 1394 and he says in there that Lee Falk orginally intended the phantom to be called kip before he changed his mind and decided to call him Kit. Sorry about those errors in my previous post.

  5. @Kit:Just you read some of the Falk's very early strips & you will see PHANTOM has been mentioned as Kip,but later only Falk might have thought Kit is more sutable and since then we got KIT WALKER!!

    Between,thanks for this Felmeng's Phantom(after Barry,he's the best).:)

  6. Thanks for this post. Hope we will get a new FREW soon.
