
Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Phantom: D 126a, 225 to 229 & S169 to 172

ICC's contribution: 126a

Thanks to  Venkitachalam Subramanian, today added followings 5 daily and 4 Sunday strips also:

HERE (100th post)


 D225 - Crocco Island West

Original run in the papers: 29 Dec 2008 - 25 Apr 2009

D226 - The Unknown Commander

Original run in the papers: 27 Apr 2009 - 22 Aug 2009

D227 - Revenge of the Python

Original run in the papers: 24 Aug 2009 - 19 Dec 2009

D228 - The Phantom at Sea

Original run in the papers: 21 Dec 2009 - 17 Apr 2010

D229 - Terror Cells in New York

Original run in the papers: 19 Apr 2010 - 14 Aug 2010


 S169 - The Jungle Lesson

Original run in the papers: 28 Sep 2008 - 22 Mar 2009

S170 - The Eternal Triangle

Original run in the papers: 29 Mar 2009 - 20 Sep 2009

S171 - The Lost Kingdom of Avaria

Original run in the papers: 27 Sep 2009 - 21 Mar 2010

S172 - The Dirty Half-Dozen

All credits go toVenkitachalam Subramanian & ICC.


  1. Awesome! Love those old Daily and Sunday Strips! Thanks a lot to Subramanian & ICC and Prabhat! You just made my day.

  2. A lady captain by name Savarna (yes, she is an Indian!), plays a big role in D227, D228 & D229 in addition to D230 which is the latest one. She even gets to kiss the Phantom in New York.

    Read on and enjoy.

  3. BTW - the strip S172 - The Dirty Dozen ran from March 28, 2010 thru September 19 2010. The latest one now running features the grandson of Col Weeks.

    I shall be providing both the strips at the appropriate times.


  4. D230 can de downloade from here

  5. Thanks a lot to Subramanian, ICC and Prabhat! This is a treat.

  6. The link to 100th post leads to nowhere! Can anybody please help me. I want to read the s170 - "Eternal Triangle" (Frew#1558).
