
Saturday, December 25, 2010

D2-104: North Star Invaders

Story: Harry Harrison
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Recuperating at Dr. Zarkov’s Colorado retreat after sustaining an injury on Venus (read D2-103 Rebels on Venus), Flash is soon ready to join his friend on a trip to the Arctic to investigate why a radar station and a geology team have inexplicably frozen over and been buried in ice.

Scouting the area, an incredulous Flash soon spots a wheat field on the ground, planted by emigrants from a doomed ice planet who have settled on Earth’s Arctic continent as a last resort, determined to defend themselves to the bitter end...
(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned and first shared at net.