
Sunday, November 28, 2010

D2-078 Desert Tribes of Mongo

Story: Harry Harrison 
Art: Dan Barry 
Summary: As the carnival atmosphere lingers after the conclusion to the Trans-Mongo Tournament (see D2-077 Tournaments of Free Mongo), Ming II is rescued from Prince Barin’s prison and whisked to safety by the members of his own acrobatics team.

When news come in that Ming has forged a powerful alliance with the desert tribes, Flash is despatched to the desert capital to quell the dangerous rebellion by initiating a head-to-head confrontation with the mythic desert chief Savara...
(Source of summary: 

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned and first shared at net.


  1. Thanks for this comic.

    BTW, did you ever get the strips 42 thru 60, 62 thru 66, 68 & 69 from anywhere? I know I am missing those. Were there only 11 daily strips from Austin Briggs? I see that they ran from 27th May 1940 to 03rd June 1944. I am missing the strips from 05th June 1944 to 17th Nov 1951. Anyone have these?

  2. @Venkitachalam Subramanian: As far I know, sadly these missing strips from D2 series are not available anywhere.

    D1 series has only 11 strips only. It's complete.

    After D1-011 - "Home" (4/26/44 to 6/3/44), next daily strips was D2-001 - "Space Prison" (11/19/51 to 2/16/52).

    In fact we need the Sunday strips and some missing D2 series only.

    The complete list of strips are available here:

  3. Thanks Prabhat. Iam sure you will manage to get the missing strips in future.
