
Sunday, August 22, 2010

O Casamento Do Fantasma

It's a Brazilian version (1978) which contains the following 3 stories (script by  Stan Lee & art by Seymour (Sy) Barry):

1.The Proposal
2.The Tyrant of Tarakimo
3.The Wedding of the Phantom

Stories informations:
  • The Proposal
Story number:133
Title:The Proposal
Start date:1977-02-21
End date:1977-03-31
Span:6 weeks

Remarks: The last strip is missing (1977-04-01).

  • The Tyrant of Tarakimo
Story number:135
Title:The Tyrant of Tarakimo
Start date:1977-08-15
End date:1977-10-29
Span:11 weeks

  • The Wedding of the Phantom
Story number:136
Title:The Wedding of the Phantom
Start date:1977-10-31
End date:1978-02-04
Span:14 weeks

Remarks: The story stops on the 1977-12-24. It will be resumed in the next printed issue.

Note: The Phantom color is red like in France.
Download:   Especial-QA-O_Casamento_do_Fantasma.cbr   32,3 Mb - 100 scans

This comics is provided by Emile with all above mentioned details. All credits go to him & Unknown scanner".

P.S.:  I liked its slightly different size of panels and colouring from Indrajal Comics.


  1. script by stan lee? he is spiderman creator.

  2. This is good that one can see the Brazilian version of Phantom. However, I wish that more and more FREW and Egmont Phantoms are posted. Although, Frew Phantom is black and white, yet the stories are very good. Egmont also have good stories with added advantage of coloring. I hope that within a day or two I shall have Frew or Egmont Phantom.

  3. This is fantastic !!!!!
    It is first time to see such comic.Which language is it ?
    Phantom does look good in red.
    Color and the page format are excellent.
    Thanks !!!
    I wonder if it can be translated !!!!
    Does it need any special software ? What is that ?
    What is the procedure ?
    Please let me know.

  4. This is fantastic !!!!!
    It is first time to see such comic.Which language is it ?
    Phantom does look good in red.
    Color and the page format are excellent.
    Thanks !!!
    I wonder if it can be translated !!!!
    Does it need any special software ? What is that ?
    What is the procedure ?
    Please let me know.

  5. Again good to have another Fantasma. Thanks!

  6. @phantomirfan I also can't read it. But it's a milestone story, that's why shared.
    All Egmont stories in English are available in this blog. What we can, trying for Frew also. If you like can post many non-english Egmont also.
    In fact after Falk era, Frew is printing Egmont (Scandinavian)in English, but B&W only. Many Engmont are nice,however some are written to destroy all image of Phantom also.

  7. @praveen The same strips are available as Indrajal colour version in English.

    Language: Portugues (Brazil)

    Translation is long & slow process. Could be done in Photoshop.
