
Sunday, August 08, 2010

D2-025 River Pirates (1-Jul-1957 to 17-Aug-1957)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Making their arduous way back from the distant city of Azcar (read D2-024 City of Azcar Women), Flash and Dale are invited to accompany a grain shipment on a river, but are also warned that the area they will traverse is often raided by ruthless river pirates.

It is not long before the transport is swiftly targeted and attacked by a very resourceful pirate outfit, and soon Flash and Dale find themselves taken prisoners and returned to the pirates’ lair - where two old ‘friends’ await...

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person "Allen Lane".


  1. Ooh lala.... the fun continues :)

  2. 25th daily is out now, I'll have to adjust my schedule and start reading these flash dailies.

    thanks to all concerned.

  3. @वेताल शिखर: An interesting fact: I've also have to adjust my schedule and start reading these flash dailies. :))

  4. thanks to Emile, Lane & Prabhat...I could share the same fact myself :-)
    one marathon flash gordon reading session on the horizon.

  5. @Old Man Mozz
    I glad to find out there are so many fans of Flash Gordon by Dan Barry.

  6. 25th daily is out now, I'll have to adjust my schedule and start reading these flash dailies.

    thanks to all concerned.
