
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

D2-024 City of Azcar Women (22-Apr-1957 to 29-Jun-1957)

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Re-entering Mongo's atmosphere after their bizarre experience in space (read D2-023 Dust Devil), Flash, Dale and Zarkov save a man on a raft who turns out to be an explorer famous for his claims to have found the entrance to the legendary matriarchy world of Azcar women.

Leaving Dr. Zarkov to fly the man to safety, Flash and Dale decide to bravely follow the trail to the whirlpool designated on the explorer’s map, and it is here that things begin to go very wrong....

(Source of summary:

Collect it and many more D2 - Here

It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person "Allen Lane".


  1. Thanks Allen Lane, Emile and Prabhat.

  2. @The Phantom Head (TPH): Pls consider (including earlier shared), all D2 series strips are scanned by Allen Lane. Emile informed me some days ago.

    What a nice & tough job. Hat's off Allen Lane.

  3. Fantastic and thanks to the great teamwork from Allen Lane, Emile & Prabhat....may you guys keep going strong.

  4. @Rafiq Raja
    May God give Allen long,peaceful, healthy and prosperous life. His efforts are remarkable.

  5. @Old Man Mozz
    Keep figurers cross, I wish to collect & share all daily and Sunday Flash Gordon strips by Dan also.
