
Sunday, August 01, 2010

महाबली शाका और जन्नत महल- 3D

सभी कॉमिक्स प्रेमियों को IUnknown का प्रेमपूर्ण नमस्कार|
आज हम आपके लिए लाये है, तीन आयामी कॉमिक्स की शृंखला की अगली कड़ी 'महाबली शाका और जन्नत महल' | आशा है आप महाबली शाका से परिचित है | यह डॉयमंद कॉमिक्स का हीरो है जोकि  वेताल और टार्जन से 'inspire' हुआ है | अपनी सादी पोशाख में  वोह बिलकुल वेताल की तरह दिखता है और उसी की तरह जहाँ वो मुक्का मारता है, वहाँ नागचिन्ह लग जाता है | कुछ भी हो कहानियां अच्छी है और आशा है कि आपको पसंद आएगी|

इस कॉमिक्स का स्कैनिंग मैंने किया है और सादे पन्नों की सफाई करने में प्रभात ने अपना कमाल दिखाया है| मुखपृष्ठ और अंतिम पन्ना एकदम फटा पुराना था, फिर से  अब नया लगता है | 

Coming next : 3D comics - Captain 3D and Star Wars


  1. Thanx for the 3D Comic. I couldn't afford to buy these costly comics in my Childhood. But wonderful to see these now. These 3D Comics were always awe-inspiring. It was amazing to see the depth perception and characters coming out of pages. Though I haven't got a 3D Specs now, I will try to find where can I get one.

  2. Dear Friends, You can have these 3d Anaglyph Glass through troublemaker studio, (Shark Boy & Lava Girl) 3D movie. Distributed by SONY. The film is available of 2CD pack with four Glasses. You can purchase this film for 125/- Rs. in India.

    After all thanks for the Comics.

    Naveen Singh
    email me at:

  3. @Amit: Just search for 'anaglyph' you'll get wide range of glasses from paper ones costing around Rs.50 to 70 and good plastic ones at around 700. Please note I am not one of the sellers :)

  4. Thanks a lot for this one. Will look forward for more 3d

  5. Page No.25 is showing some problem, please check. Unable to view the same. Had extracted all the other pages except for that one.

  6. @The Devil: Thanks! I'll replace link and send you required page by mail.

  7. Will look forward for the same by the way my email id is

  8. Thanks for the missin page mate. Looking for more in 3d.

  9. @The Devil
    Iunknown will scan more & post, keep visiting.

  10. Respected sir,
    The link has expired.
    Would be really grateful if you can refresh the dead link..
