
Sunday, September 27, 2009

#262.Tarzan: Kiran # 1 (The Long Grave & The Magic Place) & Vidyarthi Mithram #15 - The Little Warrior

27th Sep 2009  is vey special:
1. Today India is celebrating Maha Navami.

Very Happy Durga Puja to all friends and their family. 

2. From today, our friend Rafiq Raja (Comicology) is no more a bachelor.  Hurray!

Wishing New Married Couple,  Very Very Happy & Prosperous New life!

This post contains  2 Tarzan comics scanned by one and only Ajnaabi.
Proudly debuting two rare gems -  both series were never shared before at net. 


Tarzan  #001 - (colour) -1979 - Kiran
 It contains two stories:
1. The Long Grave
2. The Magic Place

Tarzan #015 - The Little Warrior (Vidyarthi Mithram)


  1. Hi Prabhat, thanks once again for a great comic. Wish you and all the other friends of this blog a Happy Dassera.

    @ Rafiq : Wish you a very happy and wonderful married life.....

    By the way, first to comment

  2. Dear RR, warm congrats to the two of you.. Happy Dusshera to everyone, and a LOT of THANKS to Prabhat and Ajnaabi for these treats !!


  3. Wish you a very Happy Dussehra and Shubho Bijoya!

    Keep up the great work! Cheers!!!

  4. Prabhat bhai,

    Wishing you & All the Readers of the Blog A very happy dushera & Happy Vijaya dasami.

    Keep up the good work & keep posting them.

    Actually You Can Skip These Pages

  5. Thank you Prabhat.

    Wish our friend Rafiq a happy married life!

  6. Prabhat, your link for Tarzan 015 has an 'h' missing right at the beginning of the link!

    Season's Greetings and all the best!

  7. Prabhat Bhai: Thanks much for a special comic for my Wedding occasion. Sorry for accepting the gift this late. But you know, what I would be going through :)

    Old Man Mozz, Sridhar, Colonel, : Thanks for your wishes, my dear friends. Hope you all had a cherishable Durga Pooja celebrations and fun on Diwali.

    Ajnaabi, Thanks for the scan to grace the occassion. Love you all.

    I have now posted a new blog to commemorate the occasion, with the usual comics theme, here:

    Cheers !!!

  8. Thank you Prabhat.

    Wish our friend Rafiq a happy married life!

  9. It seems most of your links are dead now, could you re upload them ?
    Thank you for this amazing blog though..
