
Friday, August 14, 2009

#250. Two living legends: Govind Brahmania & Aabid Surbi

Today is the 63rd Independence Day of Hindustan (India) & 250th post of this blog.

Do you know what Hindustan means?
No??? Ok. let me tell you.

H-> Humble
I-> Ideal
N-> Neighbor
D-> Dynamic
U-> Ultimate
S-> Super
T-> Talented
A-> Able
N-> Nation

Instead of comics, this time sharing some rare things with all.

Two living legends related with Indrajal Comics:

Govind Brahmania: The man is who not only created logo of Indrajal, several Indrajal covers which are considered the best, but was the first illustrator of Bahadur. I never find his photo at net before, hoping many fans would be happier to see this legendary person.

Aabid Surbi , the creator of Bahadur:

He is not only an national award winner painter, writer, but likes meditation & helping. Read this article. Heartily wish & support Aabid ji in his restarting planning of Bahadur. Hoping all hurdles he’ll come over and we’ll be able to get physical reprinted old Bahadur and new stories.

For photos and autograph, special thanks to Alok (in pictures he is with both legends) & his team who are making a documentary firm at Indian comics (expected time length 240 minutes). Alok has not only collected autograph of Aabid ji for me & Ramanan, but with happiness allowed to publish photos first time at net through this blog, has not posted at his own blog. So, especially added watermark to respect their hard work and friendly attitude.

For more details, wait Alok’s documentary film. I'll inform release date.

Who wishes to read a new all pages version of the first Bahadur Comics (1 December, 1976) in Hindi, visit

P.S. This link contains all these photos, autograph and comic in Hindi.


  1. I am first!

    Happy Independence Day everyone!

    And thanks for the tornado of tornado comics. Those and the Ace comics were simply great!

  2. Great photos and article on these two comic book legends.

  3. I am second! Its raining , nay, its a tornado of comics and posts! Kudos to Prabhat and everyone else!

  4. @Once again, Happy Independence Day everyone!

    @Colonel Worobu: Glad to find out, you these comics. Some more are coming.

  5. @Adit: I just wish to share with all quickly. Interested in some comics heroes, very thankful to friends like Delboj, Ajnaabi, Col. Worobu, Venkit, Anurag etc who are helping in posting/search.

  6. this is really a special post...

    It is good to see someone making a long overdue documentary of Indian comics. Cheers to the spirit of Alok.

  7. It's so good to see the legends whom we cherished during our childhood, are still so much involved with their passion, like us.

    Would love to be on Alok's shoes to go and meet up these great individuals. Looks, we have to be content with the eagerly awaited, documentary as of now.

    Go for it dudes ;)

  8. @Old Man Mozz: His dedication to this documentary project is could not be explained in words. Invested lot of money from his pocket for fans.

  9. @Rafiq Raja: Think in next 6-7 months we would be able to watch this great project where lot of other legends will be represented to fans.
