
Saturday, August 08, 2009

King Comics 129 (Jan 1947)

A vintage comics which contains Phantom, Flash Gordon, Mandrake & other famous comics' heroes.

King Comics 129 (01-1947)

All credits to original Uploader.


  1. I am first. Wow, after a lull there is a sudden flood of good stuff. Thank you!

  2. I am the second. This archive says broken

  3. @ Col. worobu: Welcome! Only yesterday got time to post, now a days, I'm generally on tour.

  4. @Krishnaji: Link is OK. Pls download again.Pls mail for your yoga blog. Unable to find you online & you also didn't reply the mail.

  5. Thanks Prabhat! The download was done but says archive is broken

  6. @Krishna ji: I downloaded after your first comment, this was fine. However deleted earlier link and reload again, try pls.

  7. Hi!

    This is great work! Thank you very much!
    I've a question, sorry for posting unrelated to the topic, but some of the posts dont seem to have links. For eg:
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Thanks for the help!

  8. Masal: Welcome! Thanks to complaint of some VERY FRIENDLY GUYS’ (so called Mr. Advocate & Co.) links (Dec 2008 to mid May 2009) of this blogs were deleted. Simply they were not happy with our friendly team-work. In very short period we were near to complete Indrajal series & continue some others. We had done what promised and they tried cowordly to disturbe only. :)
    Lot of links are fixed, rest will be soon. At present I’m busy. As I’ll complete, remove info about deleted links from sidebar (see left top).
    Take a quick look at April-May posts and comments of this blog & and first post of, if you are interested to understand whole story. :)

  9. Thanks for the King Comics Prabhat. American humor that time was real classic, and King Feature Synidcate was ruling the roost at that time.

    So good to see a issue from that era.


  10. Missed my hat-trick ...damn damn damn

    Lightning never strikes twice...but on Prabhat"s blog prepare for 2 lightning bolts striking at once...New Jungle Saying

  11. Rafiq Raja: Thanks to selfless attitude of some unknown friends, we are able to read such comics.

  12. Old Man Mozz: I'll try my best to continue Phantom. My goal is sharing only. :)
