
Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Phantom - Frew #1180 &1183

Read Offline - Frew 1180 - The Golden Fleece Part 2 The Grave Of Tiberius

Read Offline - Frew 1183 - The Golden Fleece Part 4 Climax

Both parts are scanned by BDS Team (san2710and Rado46) and contributed by Delboj. 1st part is posted in this blog. 3rd part is not available at present.


  1. Thanks for posting on priority the missing Frews of the multi-part stories posted earlier as I had requested you.

  2. Thanks Prabhat. Hope you can get hold of part 3 soon.

  3. Hey what is all this about a copyright notice and blogs going dead, posted at "skull cave treasures" blog? Are you being forced to close this blog?

  4. @ Chatur Cheeta: We always try to post all parts together, but whenever all parts are not available posts sometimes like this post too. As missing 1-2 parts, later other person can complete who have those, but do not have these parts.

    @ Amith Nag: I don’t have any information about third part’s scan, however if 3rd part cover was available in Dec cover post, it’s possible.

    @ Anonymous: I don’t know about mostly blogger’s plan.
    However, I’m regular in posting, only due to busy schedules of all contributors and, I’m checking & collecting proof against this fake “Rajan & co”, that’s why new IJC scans are not coming for few days only. It’s sad, mostly who are demanding IJC wish to collect FREE only, not participating in investigation. Visitors could also ask BCCL about their notice or write to I’m sure it’s not work of BCCL. Many are waiting, we’ll solve and they will get. :)
    Rest (who are not demanding to post) are trying to help, at least 10-15 friends are actively working in this direction, obviously these persons will get first, later it’ll come online. :)

    I assure you, min 44 scans out of 47 will come online PUBLICLY. If someone is dreaming, he could stop PBC, he will face reality very soon. :)))

    When & how, keep visiting you will have information very soon :)

  5. Once again a great post. Thanks for posting the missing links - Prabhat

  6. Prabhat, this guy Dinesh Colaco/Peeyoush Mishra is a coward. He promised to release his letters publicly. I did not realise that "publicly" means using a fake name and filing a fake complaint using a fake law firm. Even this fakery is so shoddy that he cannot deceive even the dumbest person.

    You moron - why would BCCL Bangalore be involved bypassing their head office and doesn't BCCL have a corporate lawyer in the first place? Funniest of all, BCCL is upset about violations of ACK's copyrights! Stupidly, you left out one and only one site - PM's site - in the long list you submitted to! Yes, you tried to be too smart and tried to confuse us but the tracks you left are so clear that your attempts only invite derision and laughter.

    You cannot do one good thing and are obsessed with closing these blogs. You will be "remembered" forever for trying to obstruct and destroy the IJC comics blogs. We have a very good idea who you are and let me say this on behalf of all the comics lovers: you represent the WORST of India - your petty-minded nature, your maniacal ego and your silly tantrums- do you believe for a second that you can do any damage? File as many complaints as you can - they know about you now.

    Out of courtesy to other readers of this blog I cannot use stronger language (and we know that won't bother you any way). But let me share something with you. Your silly campaign reminds us of this:

    Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!

  7. Hello Frenchman, that was a hilarious video.

  8. I have been quite amused with some of the recent posts. I was busy with work and have missed a lot of fun. Private blogs also have copyright issues. Don't daydream. If you bloggers had not asked visitors to bow to you, all this headache could have been avoided. As a lawyer I will take stern measures, but I will only do what the law permits me to do. When I was on holiday in Bangalore, I contacted personnel at the Regional Director's office
    at Times Group and provided a list of the aberrant blogs. This was an impartial list of all comic blogs that come up on blog searches. It included the person you call PM and other comic sites which do not collaborate with your group. This was a month ago. I have nothing to do with what Times Group or BCCL or any other company did with Google, Blogger or any one else. But, given the timing of the complaint to Google, it does seem to be them.

    Maddy: Please take a few law classes before pretending to be a lawyer. Wikipedia and internet search do not make you one. Copyright law in the digital age has become highly interpretive and reflective. Google may not provide access through their website to infringed comic files hosted on other company servers. This has been upheld in several cases. It is also standard practice with Google. If this were not so, Google need not accept any
    complaints on their search engine for the search results it produces. They try not to provide infringing websites in their results. Consider the recent
    pirate bay judgement in Sweden of all countries. Along with Prabhat's home address in Russia and those of a couple of the others, I did provide adequate legal devices in my letter to the different publishers and details like download numbers, visitor distribution and snapshots. It was 10 pages long and that is why I did not post it on the web as I promised. If Times Group used DMCA, it is much broader than equivalent Indian laws. It makes their case stronger. I don't know why they had a firm from Bangalore and not Mumbai represent them. Does that alone aver that the complainant was not Times Group? I can't state that with certainty. May be these people were specialized in international copyright or web infringements. May be they thought it was a small matter to handle from Bangalore
    itself, just because I contacted their staff there and used local lawyers. May be this was that PM trying to close the blogs down in anger and not really a law firm. However, it wasn't me dealing with Google. A lawyer will not perjure even in his dream.

    You must all note that I am not for closing your blogs, or for keeping them. I am neutral. I don't know PM and not in touch with him, or with Google or any one. If you had not annoyed me with the "protests" I would have been just one more silent vistor. Your blogs are just a time-pass. Scanning and posting comics is not a great achievement that you must want credit for it "I did it" "I did it" "Bow to me". This is what irked me. If Maddy had not been
    personally abusive, I never would have written to the publishers. You would not have had headaches. Maddy is the cause of all this. Prabhat became singled out as he is the most active, and keeps making threats "you are one, we are many". He has also left the longest trail of evidence. If it turns out that the present complaint is not from Times Group, you can be certain that I will keep pushing them until they file an other complaint with Google. Sooner or later, your blogs have to go away. You know Maddy, Indian Law is such that just for kicks, I might consider a PIL against the two India bloggers whose physical address and other details I have.

    You Know Who.

  9. Isn't it ironic that all this started with you trying to close down PM's blog? But you are the ones facing closure now.

    I am sure PM's blog continuing would have been a smaller problem than annoying me and making me contact the publishers. You tried to bully PM, but ended up having to deal with me.

    The biggest joke of all this is that I don't know this PM at all and I don't take your blogs all that seriously. I preferred reading Tintin and Fantastic Four in school and barely read any Indrajal Comics.

  10. Isn't it ironic that all this started with you trying to close down PM's blog? But you are the ones facing closure now.

    I am sure PM's blog continuing would have been a smaller problem than annoying me and making me contact the publishers. You tried to bully PM, but ended up having to deal with me.

    The biggest joke of all this is that I don't know this PM at all and I don't take your blogs all that seriously. I preferred reading Tintin and Fantastic Four in school and barely read any Indrajal Comics.


  11. Hey DC. I said I will taunt you a second time if you don't go away but you wouldn't listen. So here you go- you remind me of the black knight in this video:

    You can continue dreaming about shutting down the blogs etc. There are only 47 left and some of the fans already got the missing ones. Pretty soon these will be in a torrent and what can you do but gloat about your "stern measures" (that got you nowhere), "legal devices" (that helped you screw yourself) and your complaints to BCCL (which they used to wipe their bottoms). Your reputation is gone, your empty threats have been exposed, your site is dead and your identity has been laid bare. Yet you think it is just a flesh wound!

    You cannot post a 10-page long complaint on the web? On this very blog we have 32-page comics all the time and you claim that 10 pages is too long? You claim you contacted BCCL yet they wouldn't even tell you if they acted on it. You don't even know if the law firm is genuine or fake (we do) and if it is fake, you blame PM (your alter ego) but otherwise take credit. Push all you want and whine about us while we enjoy our comics!

    Just to jog the memory of other fans this is what you said in your initial comment ;)

    "This is a very "Indian" flavored flame war and I think it is a vestige of the British Raj that left all of us without much. We cling to whatever little we have....You have to be big about it. Let go."

    Btw I was wrong when I said you were a coward. You are a liar, buffoon AND a coward! You are not a lawyer, you have no clue about copyright laws or PILs and you are shamelessly downloading from and following this blog to this day! But please don't go away now - once all IJCs are posted we will be bored and we certainly need our entertainment to go on...

  12. Mr. DC/DCA or whoever is behind a mask.

    My home address you know, hahaha……… then for what you are waiting for, file a case and win against me and try to punish me in Russia. :)))

    You are claiming to dig out my Russian address; you are in India dig out it first and file a case. You are talking about Russia, first try to touch me in India, Russia is too far. Mr. Paper King. :)))

    You promised you would post at your letterhead; still neither your name nor your tel is available, at least fulfill your commitment. So dear, if you are a man come with real name, address & tel or wear bengals. Oh, sorry, women will also not allow. So sad, Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka. :)))

    My goal was to help all IJCs fan to collect these out of print comics as soon as possible. I succeed to unite mostly contributors & accelerate the process. One year ago, many in dreams could not imagine completing collection in next five years. Now out of 803 only 47 are missing + some second story missing comics.

    NOTE: 44 IJCs & second story-missing comics are coming very soon online openly for all, not only in torrents, but in blog/site first. Because it is not BCCL behind this complaint, if they were behind it, I honored. And these are not your property as you claimed in letter. At least asked me how many are avilable in blogs, can you calculate or need help to find exact figure.:)))

    Remaining 3 even a child can post. :)))

    Our blogs are time pass, then for what you had visited earlier. It’s only because, none was posting what you wanted in such quantity. :)))

    Or you are zealous with us. Why & how I able to collect a nice contributing team, it is above your level to understand. These will be shared as WE (contributors & bloggers) wish not as you and /or PM wish. Or you are Mr. PM yourself with another fake ID. In one hand, you are supporter of torrents, free copying, in other filing cases. Wow. What a confused person you are? Does all your clients run away? Trying to gain cheap popularity. :)))

    Talking about Madhu, go read books to remove us from net, keep dreaming. :)))

    By the way, my wife had just read when I was replying you. She said to pass you her words- «Напугали бабу туфлями с высоким каблуком» -means- don’t threaten a woman wearing high heals.” :)))

  13. @Prabhat, please ignore this paper lawyer. He tried to shut you down and he failed. Just ignore him,

    @DC, you said you don't take these blogs seriously, that blogs are for time pass, etcc but you had time to interrupt your vacation to visit the publisher in Bengaluru to complain and you had time to draft a 10 page complaint :))) I wish you used this time to scan a comic. But wait a minute - you dont do that right-you just copy the links and post on your blog.

  14. @ Prabhat: The best way to shut this guy out is to Ignore his piece of crap comments. Let's even delete them to maintain a common sense over here... I am always in for removing abusive comments, which doesn't even carry a name. Anonymous means they are one to be treated with a brickbat.

    The underlying fact is that, he doesn't deserve any of our valuable time.

  15. Hey come on guys....... I absolutely agree wid King we do need some "comic" relief jst like the ones provided 2 us by the Mr. Anonymous/DC/Pm.... whoever it is ....previously it ws only abt downloadng grt comix frm the goldn era n thankng the guys who did alll the hard now u can evn verbally smack against a certain person's face.....never saw a second person in my life who is willing 2 get a smack across his face jst fr nothing......lolz......really man u r awesome......n plz if u dont mnd let me tell ya the torrent files of phantom ijc's have already been uploaded by a u mnd 2 search in the piratebay wid tags ijc or phantom.....ne1 wil thts only a fraction of the part thst being uploaded.....whattcha gonna do abt that buddy??????? i hope u r gonna take some 'stern' measures against it too......thanxx in advance.......lolz......

  16. Hi!! Thanks a lot for the post. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. If possible, can you also publish the 3rd part?? Also, can you publish the 3rd part of Death In East End??

  17. @DC You promised your letterhead - what happened? Hiding behind anonymity (like some of us) and slandering others (specially women, UNLIKE ALL OF US)- an excellent example of a complete-loser. Were you unpopular in school too? Were you made to dress up in ghagra-choli? You protest that nothing matters and yet keep coming back... like a little brat who wants to play in the maidan with the big kids, but starts crying when the play gets to be a little too much. Why did you come here anyway?? Could it be...

    You just made her comment come true- You really belong neither here nor there, canine (My Dog would be insulted that the likes of you were called her species) or not -We from Mumbai are ashamed of you! No one knows you in Mumbai- but your real name is not Dinesh Colaco is it?? DAC? None of the Colacos know you! (Or maybe they are just not admitting to it!) Did you try to get some excitement and exploit our tragic attack of last year too? I wonder?? Maybe you thought it too was 'neutral.' If you think the other blog was a small problem for these posters, and you are a big one, think about this: Now you dare not reveal your real name- as all of us in Mumbai will be watching for you! We have had a large group (including advocates, inspectors, doctors, an MP, even a judge) read the entire threads so everyone knows the story. We, unlike you, also read Indrajal over the previous so many years. And somehow you (as we imagine you have your whole life) have managed to a touch a sore spot in everyone. At every dinner party (including tonight's) we bring more people into this fold. Everyone is checking on you- your initials, your style, your temperament, for anyone they know. This will definitely get more interesting. We already know Maddy- someone in our group knew her from sometime back- and her real name is indeed Madhubala and she is tough- AND WE ARE ON HER SIDE. The only smart thing you did was stay anonymous. Now the best (for you) thing you can do is disappear.

    It is a sad day- when the non-contributing section of the public (especially one pretending to be a lawyer) can get vindictive like a cheap Kamatipura girl. You keep coming back here- truly testing the free-speech movement. We are many and you will find out what that means. Perhaps we can have a new law about Free-IDIOT-LEECHERs-speech!

    A Really Concerned Mumbai Socialite
    Breach Candy, Mumbai

  18. Prabhat
    I really love your blog. Along with IJC, we also have real life jokers to entertain us.
    Your comment section is superb.
    We have AM/PM/AC/DC/BBC/Coca Cola Ha..Ha..Only thing missing is Pepsi, Thumbsup, Beer...
    Keep it up

  19. Hello all guys,MAY I ASK why you all bashing this Dinesh guy?? i mean,why bashing this nice/innocent name WHEN U KNOW d Original name of d offender??
    Sorry "Dinesh" buddy,no offence meant to you but your "Original self" aka MANISH whom I'm offering my this comment!!
    READ ON..............

    @MANISH/PM/Polluted Head:Buddy boy,your all 3 blogs have been dead SINCE we caught you and threatened you i.e. since 10th april!!! You KNOW pretty well tht NO BODY can harm this blogs NOT ToI will/can do anything to disturb us!!
    FOR EVERYBODY'S KNOLEDGE:I know something more than this Manish aka..,tht infact current ToI memebers either forgot wht a Ijc looks like OR they pay no heed in these scans!!Rather "someone" very close 2 me(& a ToI official) told me ki,this is(scans) VERY GOOD FREE PUBLICITY for Times of India banner,as evrytime you see/read a Ijc cover/back-page,you will find their logo and so you understand/appreciate their effor even if current time...IT'S SOMETHING WHICH not even a MAD will complain for free publicity!!!:))


    @PBC: Allthough I took your advices in many occasions when needed be,but when u asked to covert/change my blog for safety,I oppsosed as I KNOW THE TRUTH ;o)) just chill and read a Ijc comic...yeeeeeeeeeee


  20. @Mandrake-Dude/Sagnik- My young friend I think you are absolutely right- we should chill, but please indulge me one last time- during my lunch break and let the entertainment continue!

    Wow- He's back (but definitely in HIDING!) No name this time as the noose-of-disbarment gets closer! Mr DAC - Dinesh Colaco - we will positively admit that it is you thereby removing any doubt as to the hidden' anonymous You Know Who poster's identity for the sake of archives, which Google/ saves and will produce on demand.

    I knew DAC just could not resist. It is a disease. The petty criminal returning to the scene of his crime, though under a thinly veiled guise, lest we not recognize him at all! Public interest litigation would mean he would have to show himself. We all would look forward to that. I do believe DAC doth protest too much! He only reads TitTin, but is at an Indrajal Comics Blog (did he come here after getting Prabhat's Tintin scans??); He is neutral; but he wants to shut down this blog instead of just walking away; he offers NOTHING, but he wants everyone to share everything (himself excepted of course,) but he also wants to consume; and then also to stop the blogs; he wants to be thought of as the impartial pariah in an OPEN comment forum, but is upset when people disagree with him, making him just another rebarbative interloper. He is afraid to perjure himself, but cannot help his disease, and thinks he can do so through apparent complete underhanded means; And this time when he makes the comments, he doesn't even use his NAME (just in case) but signs 'You Know Who'- hoping for definite plausible deniability. He openly insults others (though my husband did say that he was right, I am most definitely twice the man he is!) but becomes righteous when the same occurs to him- Is this an overgrown child? Was the Breach Candy-Bombay poster right? Did this man have a rough unloved childhood? It does seem he proved me right. ...Kutta, na ghar ka na ghat ka. ToI will have nothing to do with him, and if his details are public, may decide to sue based on misrepresentation. We (I mean Prabhat here) don't want him here, and only allow him because we believe in the freedom of expression; after all that's what the weblog was supposed to be!

    Now, thinking about it though, I wonder if Prabhat insisted on SIMPLY requiring logins whether our discommodious goofball and #1 dweeb would still dare to leave messages! And DAC- if I was the one that prompted this, well here's another: You better run and hide now, as Mrs PKS put it rather well- my high-heels are ready, and I do have a mean pair of stilettos too!! The damage (to you) may be irreparable.

    We will pursue the righteous course. This has to be the ultimate infraction of the ethical boundaries (especially for someone who avers to be a member of the bar) to join a conversation on a sharing blog (of discontinued publications) and then insidiously create a perjured setup against it.

    Prabhat is right- we are many. Wow, again, this has even got the ire of the Bombay social scene. I would love to chat with you who know me/know of me- you can get my contact info from Gafoor (though he may be quite busy now) or Mhatre (Nishita) both of whom someone in your group may well know. I encourage and applaud your ambitions in finding DAC. Please do contact us (this blog AND Prabhat) if you do find out.

    From now on, unless there is a NEW specific requirement, my rants will be strictly in private! Au revoir!!


  21. Hi Prabhat,
    I had left a comment for you in the issue V21N51. Reproducing the comment here again:

    Hi Prabhat, I missed the PM episode altogether! After I was freed from my election work, I saw so many things have happened. I read all the episodes from all the blogs.

    I interact with hundreds of men, starting from cobbler to crorepati everyday. Every one comes with their own aspiration, demand (sometimes just, sometimes not so). I have a limited capability of helping some of them. Initially, when I came here, I tried to help everyone. But, soon I realised that one or two people was befooling me. Now, it was not possible for me to check who was telling the truth and who was lying. For example, one widow came to me and described her endless sorrow. I was so moved by her story that I immediately arranged some relief for her without caring for anyone elses' opinion. Later, I found out that she totally lied to me and spent the money I gave to her in a posh hotel! She also used my name in hotel to get credit! I came to know about all this when I got a call from the police regarding the whole issue. Just imagine! I was feeling so bad then that I decided to stop helping anyone without proper verification. Soon I realised, I was depriving thousands for the misdeed of a selected few. So, I started again to be as I was earlier. There is one very old lady (about 80) who almost reguarly comes to me. She sales incense stick. Everyday she travels about 15 kilometre on bare foot under this hot sun (it is now 44 celcius). After that initial shock of the widow, I refused this old lady also a few times. Then, suddenly one day I saw her house. I saw what a suffering she was tolerating. I realised that I made a big mistake by not believing the words of this old lady. After that I purchased one packet of incense stick from her regularly, whether I need that or not. I am telling all this things to you because there will always be some bad people who will try to befool you. But, do not let thousands of good people suffer for those handful few. you are doing a great job along with the other bloggers. Please continue your good work. regards.

    As an Indrajal blogger, I know how much pain and time it take to upload one new scan!! So, it is very obvious that anyone will be furious if someone else tries to steal his efforts!! The same thing has happened to me. Only I am putting Bengali Indrajal Comics on the net. Few days ago I found out that one Binoy_ju07 has put them on scribd. Check

    But what can you do? I just want to tell you that I am feeling so bad these days when I log to blogs that I can not describe to you. It became part and parcel of my life. Please resume your work.

    P.S. I am not sure whether you have any problem regarding that 'legal' issue or that son of a ***** PM. If you do, please send me mail at

    I can be of help in any of them because of my reach in Government of India. I can not disclose my identity in blog. Please send me a mail and we can talk then.

  22. Hi!!

    When I try to download the two files, I am getting the message :

    The file you requested was removed for violating MediaFire's Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy

  23. This DC chap is a true "Dog in the Manger"
    Here we are seeing another episode of theose crazy lawyers who file complaints in the courts for things like Ash-Hrithik kissing - ppl who have notheing better to do than try to get cheap publicity.
    All this if this DC guy even has the balls to do all that he is barking about.
    In any case, its sad to see that even a small nice community of friends sharing old comics of our chihdhood have to put up with such vile persons.
    I hope all the true comic lovers can ignore ppl like this DC and continue with comics sharing.
    And finally, kudos to Prabhat, Sameer, Balaji, Sagnik, etc who are continuing to post comics - and I hope they will continue to do so....


  25. Always in this way!
    Many thanks!
    Phantom forever!

  26. Hi, this link says....
    The Phantom Frew 1180 - The Golden Fleece Part 2 The Grave Of Tiberius

    "Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team."

  27. Wow! I just followed the whole debate, and oh man, some guy got insulted and so has caused trouble? Wow! Such a hypocrite - if you get insulted, revert back to being silent, why mess around with all this rubbish? Oh least we know that the whole thing is one big fake scheme!

  28. Hi Prabhat
    Congratulations on a wonderful effort.
    However, for the past five days I have been getting the message "The file you requested was removed for violating MediaFire's Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy" whenever I try to download a comic. I am also unable to access your esnips files. Please revert suitably as to why this is happening.
    Looking forward to an assuring reply

  29. Ramanan: What you was doing brother since a long? Did you in such a long period unable to download? There is rumor someone is trying to close blogs & sell all our scans on DVD. Wish to buy on DVD through some cheap pearsons which was available free. :)))

    Hope you are understanding, there is no BCCL or Rajan & co behind it. Did you watch "Lage raho Munna Bhai"? :)

    If not wait today releasing Munna Bhai part 2. Name of this part 2 is Munna Bhai Chale Bangalore. :)))

    Part 3 is also ready. :)))

    Don't worry we are here, we will quit when we wish, not any opponent wish. And be active yourself also.

    If you don’t understand, wait for today’s post. :)

  30. Hi Prabhat
    Thanks brother for the reply..But I don't understand..I am new to this wonderful blog and thought I could relive my childhood memories..So please tell me if the links would be active again.
    With expectations

  31. Hi!!

    I am unable to download the second part of The Golden Fleece. Mediafire reports that the file has been removed.

  32. HI, I just joined this community. I m from romania. I like this forum.......hope to learn lot of things here ;-)

  33. Please reload #Frew 1180 & 1183 links again.

    Thanks in advance.
