
Sunday, May 03, 2009

2 Frew: #1369 & 1370

The Phantom Frew 1369 - Secret Of The Skulls Part 1 - Read Offline

The Phantom Frew 1370 - Secret Of The Skulls Part 2 - Read Offline

Both parts are scanned by (san2710&Rado46-BDS Team) & contributed by Delboj.

3rd part is already available in this blog.


  1. thank u and contributers.

    there seems to be a third part in this series....

  2. Thanks prabhat this is just what i wanted.Thank you very much

  3. Hey where is the third Part.

  4. Arun: Welcome!

    Syed: Not avilable at present.

  5. Third part was available long time ago:

  6. Thank you very much delboj.But why don't you post it.

  7. I didn't post it because that old scan by unknown scanner and I've thought that all people have this scan after was available for download.

  8. @ delboj: Thanks buddy!

    @ Syed: Why he didn't send or post, should he reply? I didn’t find you when we were protesting.

    Earlier (before this blog) people were waiting second comics for weeks, all were happy. Very quickly forget those days. We are sharing as much we can. Show me any blog which has posted so many comics in such short period. We are trying for all, in response getting letter ( & questions why from you, it's sad really. Pls be careful with words.

  9. @ Syed: Part3 is already posted in blog. There is search option in blog, you could check before asking 3rd part.

  10. Please post more Indrajal comics.........

  11. i cant download these comix......wheneva i m tryng 2 dwnld thm its sayng tht page cant b found.....plz chek thm out......thnxx in advance.......

  12. Abir Datta: Links are fine. Just checked.

  13. @Syed - The 3rd part or the Climax part of this series was posted in Janauary 2009. So it can be expected that regular visitors to this blog would have downloaded the comic at that point. And please do not take Prabhat's reply to heart. Please read the link he has included and you will understand his pain.

    @Prabhat - I don't think Syed had anything else in his mind except the convenience factor of downloading all 3 parts at once. He maybe someone who joined recently. So let us bear with him.

    Since you brought up the topic of the notice you received from, have the rest of the bloggers also got this notice?

    Do we know whether Manish & Dinesh were behind this?

  14. hi prabaht thanks for visting my blog

    pleasenote my id

  15. What do you mean by protesting i dont know anything about protesting.I just joined know and How should i know as to whether that the 3r part was posted or not.And i just stated that as to why you din't post it .Well delboj gave me the reason as it was already posted so i kept quiet.But you just started blasting me.Please Forgive me if i have offended you So if it is wrong to ask questions or comment then i will not comment once again.

  16. Hey come on guys, chill :D Just enjoy the comics - its an interesting story. Thanks for the post, Prabhat.

  17. Always many thanks!

  18. @Syed, please read my comment. You are a newcomer and hence cannot understand the frustration and anger in the minds of most of the bloggers since the unfortunate April 1 incidents. With the new cease and desist notice received by Prabhat (and probably most if not all the others), we need to think about how to take care of posting further IJC & ACK comics on these blogs.
    So please try to hold back before shooting your mouth off. This request is to every one that posts or replies not only in this blog but also others.

  19. I have just read the link- This is incredible. Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd (BCCL) is headquartered in New Delhi not Bangalore. Their solicitors are NOT Rajan & Co. I don't know if there is more detail (contact address, etc) in the actual C&D letter- but there does not seem to even exist (from what anyone can see) a Rajan & Co. Advocates in Bangalore, or any principal Bharat Raj! Can anyone even verify if this entity/person exists?

    Also, it would be very interesting if someone could contact the Times of India (Bennett, Coleman) and inquire as to whether or not they even know that they are being used in what could definitely be a perjured misrepresentation.

    Additionally this blog does not have copyright issues (other than covers- which are covered under the fair use section of the Copyright Act). There is of course a lot more to the links than just fair use, but anyone who uses Google can find this information and submit (it is free!) a Cease-and-Desist. I invite you all to look for yourselves at the requirements which "Bharat Raj" has followed to the letter!
    Link: US Copyright Law Title 17: See Chapter 5!!
    Title 17-Chapter 5-Section 512-Part (c)

    A Small sampling:
    § 512. Limitations on liability relating to material online
    (c) Information Residing on Systems or Networks at Direction of Users.—
    (3) Elements of notification. —
    (A) To be effective under this subsection, a notification of claimed infringement must be a written communication provided to the designated agent of a service provider that includes substantially the following:

    (i) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

    (ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.

    (iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.

    (iv) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.

    (v) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

    (vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.


    Since these are the minimum requirements, (that seem to have been met-) essentially anyone can send a Cease-and-Desist letter (especially from overseas where it is difficult if not impossible to ascertain exact locations and ownership information. Since the copyright law predates anonymous and worldwide correspondence, it does NOT have an independent verification requirement of the above information.

    Some more research is required of-course!

  20. @Madhu - You sound like a lawyer and seem to know what you are talking about. But I think the problem that Prabhat and others could be facing is that based on the Cease & Desist which Rajan & Co have sent, they might be preventing Prabhat and the others from publishing any IJCs or ACKs on their blogs.

    I am just surmising. I do not know for a fact that this has happened yet.

    Prabhat, was any of your posts rejected by after the receipt of this "Cease & Desist" notice?

  21. Could it be that Pee Yoush guy who could be doing this? Remember he was complaining in his blog about bloggers pirating comics? This notice coming so soon after that PM incident makes me suspicious.

  22. Must be Peeyoush in cohorts with Dinesh Colaco (What a name! - wonder if Coke is suing him for name infringements :P)
    Anyways, I think its better all ACK/IJC blogs are turned into private blogs...that should serve as a good work-around.

  23. @मोहम्मद कासिम: Wait for my letter, hope you will like. :)

    @Ciro: Welcome!

    @Venkitachalam Subramanian: He can’t understand the difference between “Why” & “Can”. Delboj, on my request from underground Comics world, agreed to share in open blog. Even I do not ask my old close friends (contributors) or new contributors in this tone. In an earlier post, I politely told his, we are posting what we can.
    There is search option in blog, if he is a hardcore fan, till now he checked himself all posts. There are two posts regarding this scandal in April, not long back. Even a late comer could understand. Forget him; we have to solve major problems. If he understood me, in future would be careful about his words. If not I can’t allow to hurt my friends, using my blog.

    @Madhubala: We are not against BCCL, but hardcore fans of IJC. If today BCCL will reprint, I’ll be first person who will buy all 803 once. I started investigation through a local (Bangalore) friend; there is no tel available of such company. There is one Rajan & co Pvt Ltd, but it’s involved in other field. Soon I will have more details. Hoping I or we will check with BCCL regarding this letter soon.

    I wrote to pointing some weak points of that letter & asked tel. Still I don’t get reply. If it’s really from BCCL (I’m sure it’s not), we will not violate, but I’ll help myself to find a solution or meet their (our) expectations.

    If not, some one (third party not authorized by BCCL) is dreaming to stop me (us) at this point (IJC), should understand he come to wrong place. :)))

    We have to post only 47 IJC, 43 are under scanning. May be 2 (#10 & #209) more will be available. Therefore, we will miss only 2 or 4 IJC in near future. :)))

    Pls check & take steps in behalf of me (us) too. You help is needed. History & Mythology blog was not violating anyone’s interest at the time of complaint. All materials available, fall under fair use policy only. :)

    PLEASE Contact me via e-mail, I have something for you.

    @Colonel Worobu: Don’t worry, I’m ready. :)

    @Amith Nag: You are welcome! We are chill, I rarely reply in hard words. :)

    Regarding private blogs: I offered some more solutions to some bloggers, hoping all are informed & are ready. And these are not only solutions, we all are thinking. If there is PM or DC involved, he will have to drop all his works and per day will have to write letters. Finally will check he is authorized or not. :)))

  24. hey thanxx guys.......its workng jst fine now......may b it ws a prob frm firefox.....neways grt going guys.....keep posting........thanxxxx

  25. Ok Prabhat i am very sorry,Didn't Realize your pain for us.In future i will watch what i speak.I Repeat it will not happen once again.Can i upload comics if i can how should i upload them on your blog.Please tell me how to upload by mail.

  26. @ Syed: In your case, I was hopeful, you would understand. You also don’t take my words otherwise. Whenever I find some problems like to solve in early stage, sometimes silence gives wrong signals which in future leads to major conflicts.

    I never posted through e-mail myself. Pls tell me clearly. Do you wish to contribute or wish to join as author? If you like to join as author, do you have blogging experience? Both ways are open for sincere persons.

  27. @Prabhat: Thanks, my comments- Hello Friends, Important Information!


  28. Prabhat, Thanks for sharing another Frew bunch. It's so good to see how Phantom is being projected at other countries then the ones we cherished for so long.

    It looks I missed out on much of the discussions out here. But good to know that everyone has taken things on the right spirit.

    Let's enjoy what we love the most, and I am hopeful that this storm (the bogus blogger complaint) will also pass, and good sense will prevail soon.


  29. @ Abir Datta: Welcome!

    @ Madhubala: Thanks, I'll check today. :)

    @ ÇómícólógÝ: I liked this three part story, it's a good mixture of the Phantom, mythology, Indiana jones style. Frew Comics are more fair with the Phantom than other non-IJC comics, may be that's why it's longest running series. If Frew start publishing in India at lower price, I think, it will be a big hit.

  30. Link for the third part is not longer working. Please verify.

  31. Simple person in a complex world: Soon this problem will be solved.
